That was my point, the numbers who vote are not as insurmountable...we have to pick away at them is all I was saying. Maybe I am too optimistic but I don’t just want to leave the arena to the lions.
“Nor am I advocating armed rebellion.
Will marching, protesting and demonstrations do any good when the sheer numbers we are up against seem insurmountable?”
It had to be approaching twenty years ago that I had a conversation with a friend (in the cab of a railroad locomotive, of all places).
I made the remark to him about how (in the face of a rapidly-changing world) the Amish seemed to keep things “under control” within their own culture.
He replied (to the effect), that they were able to live that way because we LET THEM live that way. Then he said, “how long do you think they would have lasted under the Nazis?”
That may or may not hold relevance when weighed against your comments above.
But it’s clear to me that our nation is beginning a slide downwards, like a train at the summit of a mountain — and all I can see at the bottom of the grade is the tyranny of a totalitarian state.
Perhaps this is inevitable.
Perhaps nothing can stop it.
But — one thing is certain:
If we insist on “acting like the Amish”, our future is sealed — we will end up on the bottom of that grade...