Creative destruction, and less central control. What’s not to like?
My teens consider network TV like great-grandpa’s old Victrola.
A screen=internet to them.
The big problem is that only a few ways to get internet so I am stuck with Comcast at least for that.
99% of TV content is pure crap, and no channel is family friendly these days either
They are not conditioned to only receiving and absorbing the input. Where have you seen a teen that is going to sit still to listen to or watch someone for hours if he can show and tell how it ought to be done? (They all know better, of course.) Lack of interaction kills the TV, not anything else. Internet offers an infinite number of "channels," and those channels have appeal to exactly the people who participate. If someone doesn't like anything that is out there, he can always make a new "channel," be it a blog, a YouTube video, or FB, or Twitter.
Modern teens don't want to dine on strict schedule in government-maintained mess halls where the menu hasn't changed for decades and where cooks don't care what the diners want and where they must stop eating whenever propaganda blares out of loudspeakers every few minutes. Modern teens prefer to eat whatever they want, whenever they want - and they can. Internet is freedom, and the network TV is history (IMO,) just a notch above the dead tree media that, in turn, replaced town criers. If TV journalists think that their stories are wanted, let them put them on YouTube and charge $0.01 per view. That will quickly tell them how much they are really needed in this world.