Well why don’t these liberal controllers apply that same logic to illegals? I am tired of the lie that they contribute more than they take, ever been in a emergency room, they use it as their normal Doctors office. I once waited in a ER for close to two hours with a severe laceration, it took twenty seven stitches, while they kept taking in the undocumented( and yes I know they were, I was close enough to the window were they filled out the forms)with a little cough or such. I finally had to go up to nurse and threaten to remove the bandages I had put on and bleed all over the ER. I have seen Trauma center after trauma center closed in hospitals because they can’t recoup the cost for services from the illegals.
Illegals are a huge part of the problem. They (along with regular citizens without insurance) use the emergency room for any and all maladies. Those two groups never pay for the services.