Hillary really trying to look bored as McCain talks. He’s hitting hard; but she has the “let’s give the toothless old lion some time to talk” look on her face. She’s not rattled by McCain.
McCain is performing kabuki theater to placate Tea Party conservatives that he loathes as a means to get this whole “unfortunate tragedy” behind us. He and the witch had their moves worked out weeks ago. America is being “played” right before our eyes....again.
Dickie Durbin dredging up lack of WMDs in Iraq. Get over it Dick.
When you throw too much out at once as McCain did all you do is get it on the record. Practically, the audience can’t comprehend it all and it allows her to ignroe everything since there are 20 questions there. She will pick and chose her comments. thats what she did. she’s a professional liar. Every bit as good as bubba.