Fox has also gone over to the gun-bashers side as well, with virtually universal support of “Common Sense Gun Laws”.
SecondAmendment ~:” Fox has also gone over to the gun-bashers side as well, with virtually universal support of Common Sense Gun Laws. “
Once you start to tinker with the Constitution , what’s to stop you from tinkering more , and more,..
until it no longer stands as the “Law of the Land” ??
Right now , we have NO ONE in Federal Office who respects the Constitution !
Immigration same thing ~ when citizenship means nothing to those who are sworn to uphold enforce the Constitution ,
who then upholds and enforces the Constitution ? Who is responsible, or accountable ?
Right now , we have a collusion of the media with Government - so that legitimate issues don’t get publicly aired !
We have no televised voice to the Conservative values
How else can you reach the uninformed or underinformed voters ?
Right now , the Conservative voice is relegated to the radio airwaves .
We are preaching to ourselves !!
Even some of those voices have already become ‘tainted ‘ by trying to appeal to the more RHINO philosophy .
If you want to effectively get the Conservative voice out - you have to get in front of the general uncommitted voter.
Fox used to be part of that voice ~ not any more !