They won’t be able to do something about repealing it yet. In 2014, when the Republicans are swept out of the Senate and the House, it will be a done deal.
The fact that the moocher was so open about dissing Boehner was very disconcerting. Even worse - why was he trying to even be polite to her?
The “we are all together in this” is obviously a bunch of pure crap. Not that we here didn’t know that but you’d think it would start to be obvious to others.
I don’t get the MSM - what do they have to gain by an overthrow of the Constitution?
Never happen. Three-quarters of the States will never ratify such a self-aggrandizing repealer pushed by such a self-aggrandizing Caligula.
There is not enough money in the Western Hemisphere to bribe all the legislatures in 3/4's of the States.