Men are like trucks ... they drive straighter with a weighted load. Some ‘men’ can’t handle the load. Some don’t want to drive straight. Some would rather be boys with beards.
Plus, every image of marriage from pop culture is of a sexless institution wherein some harpy bitches at you until one of you leaves or dies. The downtrodden dumbassed sex-starved husband is an archetype ... as is the cold, shrew of a wife. Men are taught to be whipped. Women are taught to be nagging. Divorce is a punchline. Vows are a throwaway. Affairs are rampant. Gay ‘marriage’ gets more conversation-time than real marraige.
Its no wonder the institution is struggling.
The missus packed my bags, and as I walked out the front door, she screamed, “I wish you a slow and painful death, you bastard!” “Oh,” I replied, “so now you want me to stay?!”
An old one.
Has anyone factored in the Mother-in-law aspect?