It seems to me that if a woman wants to get married, her best opportunity is right after high school and into her early 20’s. Whatever her career goals are, it appears that by the time she achieves those goals, she is getting along in life. I don’t think it is working out too well for women who wait until their late 20’s to begin thinking about meeting a man and marriage. The good ones are gone by then. They are the ones who have jobs and responsibilities. The rest are addicted to video war and live at home with their parents.
“It seems to me that if a woman wants to get married, her best opportunity is right after high school and into her early 20s.”
I think economically everyone should have some kind of skill or training beyond high school; the wife/mother may end up the sole breadwinner due to some unforeseen catastrophe. What may result is a scenario where somewhat older established men routinely marry women in their mid-20s where are done with any additional schooling and such. Their assets are better protected, though the alimony/child support/child custody issues aren’t addressed.