1 posted on
01/18/2013 2:05:58 PM PST by
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To: NYer; a fool in paradise; Slings and Arrows
Chicks demand equal time (US Supreme Court sanctioned) for a misantry thread. Let's take a vote!
132 posted on
01/18/2013 6:33:39 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
(Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: NYer
I for one can't wait for programmable robot women. The science is almost there.
140 posted on
01/18/2013 6:42:46 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
(Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: NYer
Frankly, I think it comes down to what my dear departed Daddy used to say about young men, even in the 70’s, early in the ‘Sexual Revolution’. “Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free?” It’s even more true now, 40 years on.
169 posted on
01/18/2013 8:46:16 PM PST by
To: NYer; a fool in paradise; Slings and Arrows
A high ranking diplomat I knew, who was stationed in Vatican for many years, and knew intimately people near the top of the hierarchy there, told me that he had learned from them, confidentially of course, that there is no marriage in heaven, but that there is in hell.
172 posted on
01/18/2013 9:15:48 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
(Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: NYer
After reading this thread, I don’t like men or women. Must be why some folks want to marry their dog. LOL
185 posted on
01/19/2013 5:58:40 AM PST by
To: NYer
There is a corresponding phenomenon among older women. Once the children are grown or nearly grown, they would rather be single. If they can support themselves, why be shackled by a cranky demanding old man who doesn’t want to travel, doesn’t want to see the grandkids and resents expenditures on hobbies.
198 posted on
01/19/2013 2:22:44 PM PST by
To: NYer
I’m going to grab some popcorn and a glass of whiskey while reading this thread.
213 posted on
01/20/2013 7:30:30 PM PST by
Darren McCarty
(If most people were more than keyboard warriors, we might have won the election)
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