Could the fact that feminism has made a large percentage of US women insufferable witches have anything to do with it?
I’m 22 while my husband is 48. Guess there’s something to this idea.
“Just 20 percent of those aged 18 to 29 are married, compared with 59 percent in 1960.”
A truly disturbing statistic. Might have something to do with the media’s continual barking that “young people just can’t make it on their own”...
Another change brought by the leftist ‘Progressives’.
Free sex is just more Free Stuff.
No restrictions, no stigma.
Babies? No problem.
No need to take responsibility.
The government will pay to kill them or to raise them.
Leftists want Change, Change, Change - kill the old.
And the sheep follow without ever thinking about where it will lead.
Is there really any aspect of life that Progressives have made better?
What is the end game - complete destruction of civilization?
Kids are maturing and marrying later in life.
I’m more concerned about single parents, and reduced population growth of the “Constitutional” demographic.
Men should take a serious look at the high honor of being a dad, and compare the worth of that to the effectively homosexual pattern of serial sexual liaisons and the life of a sterile drone.
Women should take a serious look at what feminism has really brought them*, and a serious look at mindless consumerism.
*Hint: look at the lives and faces of old feminists, and ask if this is what you really seek.
Just my two cents that are borrowed from the PRC.
It’s not just the feminist movement, but also the homosexual “rights” movement, which has disparaged marriage by trying to incorporate their perversion into it in a few jurisdictions.
Who wants to be associated with that lifestyle?
I see this turning into the friday night fight thread.
I've been married roughly 25 years, and I'm freakin' exhausted.
In my experience dealing with young men who are thinking about marriage, the number one fear is not marriage itself. It’s the fear of their spouses deciding that for one reason or another that their husbands are disposable.
And as one of them told me recently, he sees how his own father and his older brother were turned in Child-support/Alimony slaves to their ex’s. He fears that more than nearly everything else. His reaction so far is to just say “No” to the fair sex. He likes women but has a very hard time in trusting them.
True, but instead of the pendulum swinging back just enough to straighten things out, it's swinging too far the other way. Increasingly now, it's "men good/women bad." Too many men nowadays sound just like feminazis. "Men are noble victims. Women are evil. Everything is women's fault. The decks are all stacked against men, who are perfect." I don't see how this is going to do anything but make things even worse. Not enough people seem willing to admit that there is plenty of blame to go around on ALL sides, and that we should try to come together. I think people would rather be victims.
I don’t think the guys are threatened by the gal making more $$ as much as the divorce laws that let her walk at any time of her choosing, taking half his stuff. And then children.
It takes two to marry, but only one to divorce.
In modern marriage, the man has no status, other than at the will of the woman.
Terms like husband, father, head of household, have no meaning today.
The woman owns the entire family unit, any man, whether first husband, or 3rd husband, are mere visitors, they may be permanent if she chooses, but he has no real footing of his own and his temporary status can be instantly removed at her whim.
I wonder how women would feel about investing their hearts and identity in becoming wives and mothers under the conditions that American men face today, to casually have her children and home taken from her at his whim, with the support of the state, while she has to pay for the privilege.
Men are like trucks ... they drive straighter with a weighted load. Some ‘men’ can’t handle the load. Some don’t want to drive straight. Some would rather be boys with beards.
Plus, every image of marriage from pop culture is of a sexless institution wherein some harpy bitches at you until one of you leaves or dies. The downtrodden dumbassed sex-starved husband is an archetype ... as is the cold, shrew of a wife. Men are taught to be whipped. Women are taught to be nagging. Divorce is a punchline. Vows are a throwaway. Affairs are rampant. Gay ‘marriage’ gets more conversation-time than real marraige.
Its no wonder the institution is struggling.
For most modern women, men are objects to be ridiculed and scorned. Look at how many commercials and TV shows portray the husband as the buffoon, and the wife as the smart one who condescendingly tolerates him. Now how many times do you see that situation reversed?
Recently I was at the grocery store; a polite man walked by, nodded and smiled to me and to the fat woman near me, and said, “Good afternoon, ladies.” The fat woman smirked and called after him, “I’d wish you the same, but you’re a man, so you’re not worth it!”
Feminism has ruined women. But, on the other hand, real men are harder and harder to find, too.
People used to have high standards for marriage.
Those days are so far gone, it’s not funny.