Wonder what would happen if all those large employers sent everyone home for a couple of weeks while they reconsider whether they wish to continue to keep their businesses open. I’ll bet the government hot shots would wet their panties. Business owners need to rebel big time. The government can’t force them to keep their doors open.
“Ill bet the government hot shots would wet their panties. Business owners need to rebel big time. The government cant force them to keep their doors open.”
I think you’ve missed the point of the re-distribution scheme; business owners, suffering from four years of Obamanomics, rebeled and failed in the 2012 election. The government has been closing them down by stifling growth; every business that has closed up will be re-opened with a “women/minority business loan” (subsidized by the businesses that have survived). There will be no transfer of wealth from the prior generation to their heirs by the time this is done; they have “leveled the playing field” with their re-distribution and estate taxes and such. If all goes according to plan, uneducated whites will replace affirmative action blacks in the underclass within one generation.
This economy is not an unforeseen consequence; IT WAS THE ULTIMATE GOAL FROM DAY ONE.