I heard Walmart refused to meet with Plugs Biden. Good for Walmart.
Walmart Gives in to Meeting with Biden on Gun Proposals
Alexander Abad-Santos 10:40 AM ET
Less than a day after Walmart said it was too busy to meet with Vice President Joe Biden and his commission on gun-legislation proposals, the nation’s largest gun seller has had a change of heart: Walmart will send a representative to a White House meeting on Thursday. CNN’s Ali Velshi has the scoop:
Ali Velshi
BREAKING: Walmart, having seen the light, now WILL attend Thurs’ gun mtg at the White House
9 Jan 13
I probably got myself on some watch list, but I had to do it. I heard on ABC radio that Biden was going to meet with video game makers in a few days, because they want to take a "broad approach" to the gun problem. I called the White House comment line and said that the day I see Quentin Tarantino and other filth-purveying Hollywood punks who donated to the President's campaign called up to the White House to have Biden chew them out is the day I will see this as anything but another dog and pony show meant to insult my intelligence and screw with my liberties.