You may certainly have the last word, JSNNN, I don’t enjoy your histrionics or mischaracterizations of what I say. It is not helpful and I don’t deserve it. I have made my positions clear. If you don’t like them, that is your business.
These two are real pips, huh? :)
You think recreational drug abuse is benign.
Provide an exact quotation where I said that.
I dont happen to think there is really such a thing as a lil bit of recreational drug abuse. I just dont.
You're wrong - I've seen it done with coke and with pot.
Whereas normally people have 1, 2, maybe three drinks. This is reality.
People getting drunk happens all the time. This is also reality.
being personally drunk is basically legal unless you have dependents there or whatever. I know.
So you know your previous claim that "Drunkenness is basically against the law" is garbage. Good. What have you done to advance the cause of banning drunkenness to prevent very serious threats to others? (Posts to FR count.)
I dont enjoy your histrionics or mischaracterizations of what I say.
You're projecting - the only mischaracterization above was from you: "You think recreational drug abuse is benign."
I have made my positions clear.
And I have clearly shown them to be wrong.