For every anti gun measure the democrats try, we need a pro gun measure that would ease existing restrictions on guns.
The GOP has to stop playing defense and press the attack once in a while.
not only repeal 1968 and 1934 acts, propose to fingerprint, photograph and do background check of citizenship for every person registered or registering to vote penalty for perjury immediate jail time. also charge same fee $200 to register to vote and $200 to update your address everyone votes on the same day. for each military vote that doesnt reach the polls in time a $100,000 penalty against the state... one right is as good as another I’m tired of these illegal assault voters being bused in in high capacity groups and killing our electoral system...
Amen, brother. We are always one violent maniac away from losing our rights. How about the other side start backtracking a bit for every defensive firearm use?
” For every anti gun measure the democrats try, we need a pro gun measure that would ease existing restrictions on guns.”
I’ve begun to think that also. Forget this backing up crap...trying to limit the losses of gun rights to less than the gun-moaners want. It’s time to start demanding the complete abolition of every gun law short of the 2nd Amendment.
I want to be able to go down to the local Mom & Pop gun store and buy a full auto weapon...with a grenade launcher. Bill O’Reilly says the “folks” don’t need a bazooka (yep, he said it). Well, screw Bill....I want a bazooka.
Actually, my comments were nothing at all defensive, and in reality, it was a subtle way to get the democrats to bite on a pro-gun idea. Notice the part at the end of my comments where I said, “free gun money”? IOW, there would be nothing to stop people from getting that money and using it to purchase more guns. Besides, the constitution would have to be amended to outlaw the ownership of guns.