I took the yellow lid from an oleo tub, fashioned a Star of David, and wrote "Gun Owner" on it. There was a big gun show in Salt Lake City at the time, so I wore it there.
When I arrived, the Media cameramen were all over the place, swooping down like paparazzi on any guy carrying an AW out. I tried walking behind a couple but the cameramen just changed angles so I was blocked.
Went inside, where there was a "No Photos" sign posted and saw a team of TV men pointing their cameras down an aisle to catch the crowd. Three times I deliberately walked toward them, Star in full view, only to see the red light go out.
Funny thing, even the pro-gun people were spooked. Whenever I stopped at a table, the guy would take one look, and then make no eye contact.
There's some gun shows coming up in Arizona, and I'm tempted to repeat the process.