“Why again should anyone fight to re-establish the GOP name?? Maybe they should start backing gay marriage, or illegals...Yeah, thatll bring everyone back to the fold...”
Why ? Because a third party will take decades to build, and the Republic has but a few years until absolute disaster strikes.
How do we do it ?
In my humble opinion, we do it by electing ACTUAL Republicans. No more Ron Paul types who talk and talk. We do it by not running twerps like John McLame and Mitt Trotsky as presidential candidates. We need people who bring a hatchet to the bloated federal bureaucracy, not a spork. In other words, we need Michele Bachmann as Speaker and Rand Paul or Ted Cruz as the Minority Leader.
Yes, I’m a dreamer, but it would instantly solve a lot of problems.
Sounds like a nice dream. Unfort. even those on the GOP ticket don’t talk the talk, so why start there?
Right off the bat, I can think the Constitution Party and Libertarian party could easily combine to give a great 3rd party start. Why man the bilge pumps on the Titanic??
I voted for the GOP in the past, but I’m done taking their lip service. At least I’ll vote for those whose espouse those ideals I myself hold; no more holding my nose when I know, even if they win, I lose.