Hillary is ready to run in 2016. If the GOP nominates another loser for POTUS the US could be ruled by a "Government Party," Like Mexico's PRI (the oxymoronic name in English would be the "Institutional Revolutionary Party"), which ruled Mexico for 71 years.
But even a talented conservative might not be able to overcome the ignorance/apathy of voters. Especially after amnesty.
The mood at FR has changed since just before the election.
Seems to me, most here are ready to tow the party line...if they ‘have’ to again *spit*. There is no indication of any change coming, no infighting to let the base (and those of us outside) know that something better is trying to come along.
No, most will still belittle us as ‘fringe’ and ‘kooks’, while the Left consolidates their power. They want to work within the party (again, again, again) cause 3rd party could take YEARS to develop (the same BS the Left uses against drilling at home).
When (IF) the GOP ever do the right thing again, I’ll gladly vote for ‘em, but I’m laying down my convictions because the D.C. crowd says it’s the best they got...Because that’s worked so well during these $$ talks, right?
That's a hell of a understatement.
I was pessimistic before the election (unlike many here) and even more so now.
On FNS the panel was saying that Republicans will lose this fight on taxes but will force O (Desm) to cut spending by using the debt limit. I am just repeating what I heard, I have no opinion on this yet.
But the most interesting was on ABC This Week, a couple on there were said that Obama’s goal since the election is/was to fuel the fire of a Republican civil war, and so far he is successful.
This is exactly what I have been posting here for weeks. That is why he calls his tax demand BOTH a tax cut (playing voters) and a tax increase (stroking the R flames) so Rs hold out for a while so when they finally give him what he demands he will look like a hero, and Republicans stupid, and then they will implode.
I may have been hasty saying Pelosi will take the House though, redistricting may make that difficult for them to do that as Impy pointed out to me. But they can still pick up seats in the Senate.
On one of the shows they said Biden will run again for POTUS.
We have a hell of a lot of fools on the Rs side, first the two phony POTUS runs last year duped way too many (I TOLD YOU THEY WERE NOT RUNNING), then the birth control/rape comments, the slut comment, and the final straw was the 47% tape/comment by Mitt.
Not only were these a great way to re-elect O but how many “Right on. This is exactly what voters want to hear” comments did you read? And all the 'the polls showing Romney is losing are rigged' comments?
Its scary!