Great comment! This is the absolute truth. Schools are still doing things the way they were done 100 years ago. If the government had been in charge of the transportation industry, we would still be riding in horse-drawn buggies.
Children learn in spite of school; not because of school.
Likely, this is true! It is UNKNOWN whether or not government schools teach anything!
Studies have NEVER been done to separate out what **might** be learned in the classroom as compared to that which is acquired OUT OF SCHOOL due to the parents, the child studying at home, private or paid tutoring, and the enriching activities of the parents IN THE HOME!
Think about this!
Parents go to ENORMOUS expense in mortgages and long commutes to work with BOTH parents working so their child can attend a “good” government school. Why would they do this is it is UNKNOWN whether or not the school is “good” or not? When government indoctrination camps post their test scores do they ever report on the number of students in private and paid tutoring? Answer: NO!
And...We are under police and court threat to pay up to $30,000/year/child on a prison-like program for children whose effectiveness has NEVER been STUDIED! Are we insane to allow this?
Yeah! I am shouting and jumping up and down and having a fit. Why do we allow this to continue?