I just read it. I’m having a Ted Nugent moment...
I think I’m well past TN. I’m back on the same *ledge* I was on at 11:55pm on Nov 6th, when FoxNews called the GE for 0bummer&CoRegimeFromHell.
Hmmm.... has anyone noticed the following talking points from the David Gregory crowd:
“Gun owners as a percentage of the population are actually decreasing. Fewer & fewer citizens own more & more of the guns.”
“Enthusiasm for assault weapons is a mostly white male thing.”
“The impetus for change has to start locally. Find out which of your neighbors own guns & challenge them to explain how their gun rights are more important than dead kindergartners.”
Sounds Alinsky to me: isolate, minimize, & belittle those who disagree with the agenda to create a better world.