One of the questions asked is why would a paper do this.
The answer is simple -—intimidation.
Another sentence stated that this is what is done for sex offenders. This newspaper equates gun owners with sex offenders. In their minds one is as bad as the other.
Evidently this paper feels it can survive without the business given them by gun owners and Conservatives. They feel they can make it with the liberal trade.
Maybe they can liberals seem to have the momentum these days.
The socialists might be doing a good job at stampeding the sheeple these days, but we still have the guns.
Molon labe!
Sad part is that business owners and conservatives will continue to buy ads and use this paper.
The answer is simple -intimidation"
Did you notice that the leadership of the newspaper was all female? Is there any doubt they are feminists? It's in masculine nature to protect women and children. Feminists, progressives, deny any difference between men and women. This incident is in part an attack on men. Just as single women in this country turn to the government for protection and vote Democrat. Married women turn to their man for protection and vote Republican to defend the interests of their family.
These newspaper women essentially want to get rid of men and turn to government for protection, therefore men with guns are the problem.