I'll see your pair and raise you one.
Cause I am a great fan of fashion shows, makeover shows, yada, yada.
Not that I'm proud of this necessarily.
But no one in Hillary Clinton's position goes out in public like that, no one.
She told Baba Wawa that she had no courtesans to pamper her but what a lie, what a damnable lie. She has coterie of would-be attendants, sheesh were we born at night, LAST night?
She's being set up for a breath-taking makeover, yes she is, and it's part of the plan.
It's the only reason I halfway agree with Kabar as I see the script as written and it will be effective, thank me very much.
She will lose weight, she will get hair cut and shaped, she will get surgery as required, yes she will and she will enter upon the political scene to capture the attention of all, especially the low information voters.
She will be interviewed by Katie Couric, who the MSM is STILL trying to salvage despite being kicked off Today and failing miserably as a new nightly news anchor for a year. Payback for her participation in the destruction of Sarah Palin as they see it cause it's how these people wield their power.
Hillary will tell Katie how stressed she was during her term as Secretary, how she didn't get to see her family, especially her daughter Chelsea. The last thing she could deal with was her appearance what with her dedication to serving the American public.
I can write the script and it will work. Americans, especially the low information voters, will mist up and while gazing at her new look will be happy to make such a dedicated woman their president.
The only way this makeover will work is for Hillary to offer the striking contrast, which she does now by walking all over the world looking like Broom Hilda.
We need to teach the elected pubs how this all works. I bet not a one of them ever watched "What Not to Wear".
Okay, thank me very much.
The official WH talking points are that there was an armed guard at Columbine (is this true?) and why do we need these high capacity magazines.
Dick Gregory, sycophant of the highest order, even held up some kind of black box supposed to be a gun magazine....sheesh the drama. I’ll never know how this guy sleeps at night with any pride but I guess his checking account keeps him cozy.
I’ve heard these talking shows on four or five shows now. They’re desperately trying to rebut LaPierre’s challenge for armed guards at all schools and the many-bulleted guns are the best they could throw out there.