I don’t think this was the point of the author. Sometimes the parents are to blame and sometimes they aren’t. To declare parents and parenting off limits doesn’t help anything. If your kid murders a bunch of people, you need to be part of the inquiry...if you survive...
We had a case here in the summer of 2011 where a guy murdered an elderly neighbor and cut her head off.
He was estranged from his family because they couldn’t convince him to get help and the courts couldn’t force him. The family knew someone was going to die but were helpless to stop it.
Having seen only the video, the author strongly suggests that uncovering the mother’s faults will likely enable a therapist to solve the child’s problems. We know that is an irresponsible claim, not grounded in science. In addition, blaming the parent gives the therapist (and the general public) a scapegoat when the therapy fails.
As written in another post on this thread, several conditions that for decades had been blamed on mothers, have since been scientifically established to be primarily, or wholly, and matter of genetic constitution.