I dont why we bother senidng our men and women to die alongside you in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, when ‘people’ like you havent even the basic respect and gratitude for our help and our sacrifices.
“...people like you havent even the basic respect and gratitude for our help and our sacrifices.”
Americans are woefully ignorant about their own history let alone the history of places outside our borders. Sadly, for some Americans, when we don’t know something, we strut around like bloody peacocks all puffed up making silly pronouncements. We become unable to recognize our own arrogance. It’s all somewhat embarassing.
However, some of us do remember with fondness the historical and cultural ties we have to the mother country. We remember, that without a Scotland, we might never have had the enlightenment or our modern economics. The earliest universities were Scottish and English. The value that Scots place on education and hard work gave us the likes of Smith, Carnegie, Burns, and Bell. We remember that our great-grandfathers fought and died next to yours in the Great War and then again in World War II. Some of us do remember and are grateful.