My expectations for my own manners are not affected by what others do. My parents never accepted, “But look what he did!!!” as an excuse for not meeting their standards, and neither do I.
If other adults behave inappropriately, I consider that simply being that person is its own punishment.
Ordinarily, I would agree.
But there is more at stake here than societal manners.
The leftists are “fundamentally transforming” this country into a Soviet-style state.
I will not be friendly or polite to tyrants. I will not make it easy for them. I will not make their lives comfortable. I will not make their days happy and joyful as they are ruining my life and my country.
They are the ones, not us, that declared “war” with the “culture war.” Eff them. And Eff smiling while they kick my teeth in. I won’t be sucker-punched and walk away smiling in order not to create a scene.