(The Bible talks about a certain thing called "the second death." Now you might deem yourself as more authoritative than the Bible; or discount the Bible; but IF there are deceptive teachings on this planet that lead people down the pathway to hell...ya better believe that since Jesus said WIDE is the road that leads to destruction...and NARROW is the way that leads to life...it seems to me He is telling us that BILLIONS of people have headed--are headed--and will head for that destructive "second death"...And who are YOU to preach against that?)
He will judge them sitting at the right hand of the Father and commit them to eternity away from Him. The road is indeed "wide" with those who travel that road and are lost. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord and believe fully in his inspired word the Holy Bible...sans "other books." shalom
PS. In case you didn't get it my reference to "270 million" are the murdered and beheaded innocent souls killed by islamic terrorists in the last 1400 years. God will judge them!