What is the student debt for? Some type of degree?
No, I’m sorry, Americans, especially younger Americans — there ARE jobs out there — they’re just lowly, grungy roll up your sleeves type jobs ...and MOST of them are held by illegals now. So, folks, why don’t you get off your duffs and kick out all these slimebucket illegals and take THOSE jobs and learn how to work for a change!!
Fast food, stocking, lawn mowing, sh*t shoveling ...it all needs to be done, but most Americans won’t do those jobs. Too used to their cushy little posts or asking Grandma for the money.
Or trying being a nurse ..or a nursing tech. Plenty of jobs there ...but all i EVEr hear is “ewwww — I can’t stand the sight of blood ...or, ewww, I could never take care of old people.”
I have worked the window, scrubbed the toilets, and mopped the floors. I’ve cut the grass, watered the plants, and walked the dogs. I’ve done it all ...doesn’t mean you’re stupid or not going anywhere ...it’s what you do to survive until you can get to where you really want to go!
What is the student debt for? Some type of degree?
A BA in Economica and a BA in Religion. The Econ degree is turning out to be less useful than I expected it to be. I guess people don’t want to listen to the way the economy really works; they want to listen to soak-the-rich rhetoric.
As it is, I’ve managed to keep the collection people off of my back by going to seminary, but I’m in my last few months before the MDiv comes through, and there’s an extreme shortage of pastoral placements these last few years. I can probably stave it off a little longer and maybe even earn some money if I go on a second vicarage/internship in a chaplaincy setting, but that’s just kicking the problem down the road.
You’d think that I’d learn to trust God more, but sometimes it can be really difficult.