What ever happened to the old tradition of dropping a newly qualified sailor’s dolphins into a tall zombie and making them drink it all and catch the dolphins in their teeth?
What ever happened to the old tradition of dropping a newly qualified sailors dolphins into a tall zombie
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That, like ALL the good traditions is a thing of the past.
I doubt they can even drink torpedo juice anymore.
Chiefs initiations are gone, replaced with a form of Community Service.
Doubt many fat, greasy bellies get kissed while crossing the Equator.
Couple years ago some USMC Devil Dogs got ‘drummed out’ for ‘pinning one another’.
I ‘drank’ (my) dolphins before I went to Submarine School, while still in Yokosuka while on a ‘Gator’, prior leaving for New London.
Naturally they weren’t mine since I hadn’t qualified yet, but a bunch of ‘bubbleheads’ concocted the cocktail, so I went along with them....
These are officers -much different submarine experience in all regards compared to enlisted. Their quals, their performance requirements, experiences, and the demands upon them are somewhat sheltered and segregated from the typical peer pressure. They eat in the wardroom and sleep in private quarters etcetera...
I suspect this is being heralded as proof that females can cut the mustard; however, it remains to be seen just how female enlisted will be integrated.
Being a qualified submariner having served on two SSBNs during the cold war with more than two years underwater it is my opinion that this experiment will prove an epic failure regardless none of the politically correct and connected officers will admit it so...
A submarine is no place for leftist asexual and homosexual social experimentation. Simply put, the leftists are attempting to castrate our military...