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To: cripplecreek

House Bill 4225: Require MDOT post online road repair project details
Introduced by Rep. Patrick Somerville (R) on February 24, 2015, to require the Department of Transportation to maintain an online database that contains detailed information on every road repair project underway in the state, including local projects.

House Bill 4226: Expand technology business subsidies
Introduced by Rep. Daniela Garcia (R) on February 24, 2015, to increase from three to nine the number of areas in which “certified technology parks” (previously dubbed “smart zones”) are permitted to “capture” school taxes, in addition to capturing other property millages collected by local governments. These entities use “tax increment financing” to provide infrastructure or other subsidies to technology-based businesses. Like the better-known Downtown Development Authorities, they collect the extra local property tax revenue that (hopefully) results from property value increases generated by their selective subsidies and projects.

House Bill 4227
Introduced by Rep. Peter Pettalia (R) on February 24, 2015, Authorize pedal-powered beer bars to establish in statute that a “commercial quadricycle,” which is a pedal-powered mobile beer bar, is not considered a “motor vehicle” even if it has auxiliary power, and instead would be subject to the less onerous regulations imposed on “low-speed vehicles,” or if operated on a sidewalk, the regulations imposed on “Segways.” Under this and House Bill 4228 passengers would be allowed to have open beer or wine containers, but the driver would be required to have a blood alcohol level of zero.

House Bill 4228
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Irwin (D) on February 24, 2015, Authorize pedal-powered beer bars to establish in statute that a “commercial quadricycle,” which is a pedal-powered mobile beer bar, is not considered a “motor vehicle” even if it has auxiliary power, and instead would be subject to the less onerous regulations imposed on “low-speed vehicles,” or if operated on a sidewalk, the regulations imposed on “Segways.” Under this and House Bill 4227 passengers would be allowed to have open beer or wine containers, but the driver would be required to have a blood alcohol level of zero.

House Bill 4229: Mandate police body cameras
Introduced by Rep. Rose Mary Robinson (D) on February 24, 2015, to require uniformed law enforcement officers to wear a continuously-activated body camera while on duty, with various exceptions specified in the bill. The bill also prescribes rules for how long recordings must be kept and for erasing them, prohibits agencies from using facial recognition programs with the captured images, and more. Individuals whose image is captured, owners of property seized or damaged in a crime and some others specified in the bill would be entitled to a copy of the recording. It also specifies legal presumptions that would apply when images from a camera are not available. The state would be required to pay for the cameras and associated costs if a local police agency requests it.

House Bill 4230: Help schools dodge federal restrictions on fundraising “bake sales”
Introduced by Rep. Phil Potvin (R) on February 24, 2015, to require the Department of Education to identify school fund-raising sales that are exempt from federal nutrition standards, and take other steps to helps schools hold sales of non-exempt foods and beverages on school premises during school hours. See also House Bill 4202 and Senate Bill 139.

House Bill 4231: Revise statute of limitations for sex crimes against minors
Introduced by Rep. Holly Hughes (R) on February 24, 2015, to eliminate the statute of limitations for criminal sexual conduct offenses committed against minors.

House Bill 4232: Require police shooting reports
Introduced by Rep. Alberta Tinsley Talabi (D) on February 24, 2015, to require the state Department of Civil Rights to investigate and give a report to the legislature and the employing agency whenever a law enforcement officer is responsible for the death of an individual belonged to “a group or had a characteristic that has been the subject of past discriminatory practices”.

House Bill 4233: Mandate local police have car chase policy
Introduced by Rep. Sheldon Neeley (D) on February 24, 2015, to prohibit local police car chases unless the agency has adopted a car chase policy, and require the officer initiating the chase to immediate report specified information to the dispatcher.

House Bill 4234: Regulate access to police body camera images
Introduced by Rep. Jim Runestad (R) on February 24, 2015, to establish that police body camera recordings taken in a private place are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Also, that individuals whose image is captured, owners of property seized or damaged in a crime and some others specified in the bill may request a copy under the FOIA law, which requires government agencies to provide records that are not specifically exempted from disclosure. See also House Bill 4229, which mandates police body cameras.

House Bill 4235: Mandate health care providers report death of pregnant woman
Introduced by Rep. George T. Darany (D) on February 24, 2015, to require physicians and health care facility managers who are present at or aware of the death of a woman who was pregnant at the time of her death or within one year before her death to report this to the state.

House Bill 4236: Mandate headlights on all the time in rain
Introduced by Rep. George T. Darany (D) on February 24, 2015, to require the use of headlights while driving whenever it is raining or snowing enough to require the use of windshield wipers.

House Bill 4237: Authorize local oil and gas extraction restrictions
Introduced by Rep. Peter Lucido (R) on February 24, 2015, to give counties and townships the power to regulate and possibly ban hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas through their zoning ordinances.

House Bill 4238: Exempt fallen soldier’s widow from home property taxes
Introduced by Rep. Lana Theis (R) on February 24, 2015, to exempt from property taxes a home owned by the “unremarried” spouse of a military service member who was killed or died from service-connected causes during a war.

House Bill 4239: Allow disabled to hunt from “personal assistive mobility device”
Introduced by Rep. Charles Smiley (D) on February 25, 2015, to allow a disabled individual to hunt small game from an electric “personal assistive mobility device,” subject to conditions and restrictions specified in the bill.

House Bill 4240: Place 1st and 2nd Amendment plaques on Capitol grounds
Introduced by Rep. Martin Howrylak (R) on February 25, 2015, to require plaques honoring the First and Second Amendments on the state Capitol grounds. Several bills in recent years would have required placement of a plaque created by the “Brass Roots” organization, reportedly made from melting down brass cartridge cases donated by attendees at a 1994 Capitol protest of infringements on the right recognized by the Second Amendment. This bill adds an invitation for “an organization with a history of advocating for First Amendment rights” to provide a First Amendment plaque, and names as potential candidates the American Civil Liberties Union, the Michigan Press Association, the Michigan Association of Broadcasters, the League of Women Voters, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the American Libraries Association, The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

House Bill 4241: Mandate informing woman of detectable fetal heartbeat before abortion
Introduced by Rep. Thomas Hooker (R) on February 25, 2015, to prohibit physician from performing an abortion without first determining whether there is a detectable fetal heartbeat, and if there is, to require that the woman be informed, except in medical emergencies.

House Bill 4242: Require currency exchange price posting
Introduced by Rep. Leslie Love (D) on February 25, 2015, to mandate that retail money transmission service businesses, which are generally storefront shops where a person can wire money, must post their rates in a place visible to customers, in 36 point font or larger.

House Bill 4243: Establish English as official state language
Introduced by Rep. Peter Pettalia (R) on February 25, 2015, to establish English as the official state language. This would apply to government activities, but not to private sector activity. It would require governmental documents, records, meetings, actions, or policies to be in English, but would not prohibit them from also being in another language.

House Bill 4244: Expand property owner recreation liability waiver
Introduced by Rep. Peter Pettalia (R) on February 25, 2015, to expand to “aviation activities” a liability exemption that currently applies to someone fishing, hunting, trapping, camping, hiking, sightseeing, motorcycling, or snowmobiling on a person’s land. Specifically, this would apply to non-commercial aircraft operations. In other words, someone can’t sue a landowner for injuries sustained doing any of these things, as long as the individual hasn’t paid for the privilege.

House Bill 4245: Revise building code officials registration detail
Introduced by Rep. Anthony Forlini (R) on February 25, 2015, to establish that employment by a government building code enforcing agency is not required for “registration” as a building official, plan reviewer, or inspector.

House Bill 4246: Limit state department rulemaking authority
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Farrington (R) on February 25, 2015, to prohibit a state department from promulgating rules more stringent than required by federal standards, unless specifically required to by state statute.

House Bill 4247: Repeal archaic laws
Introduced by Rep. Martin Howrylak (R) on February 26, 2015, to repeal a law that prohibits a person who is not “deaf, audibly impaired, or otherwise physically limited” from having a dog in public that is wearing a blaze orange leash and collar or harness. This is part of an archaic laws package comprised of House Bills 4247 to 4252.

House Bill 4248: Repeal archaic laws
Introduced by Rep. Chris Afendoulis (R) on February 26, 2015, to repeal statutes that ban posting “reproachful or contemptuous language for not fighting a duel;” or using “indecent, immoral, obscene, vulgar or insulting language in the presence or hearing of any woman or child; or leaving an abandoned refrigerator or other container where a child could crawl in and suffocate; or singing and playing the Star Spangled Banner in an entertainment venue as part of a medley. This is part of an archaic laws package comprised of House Bills 4247 to 4252.

House Bill 4249: Repeal archaic laws
Introduced by Rep. Michael Webber (R) on February 26, 2015, to repeal various statutes that ban trespassing for purposes of damaging or stealing various crops or natural resources. This is part of an archaic laws package comprised of House Bills 4247 to 4252.

House Bill 4250: Repeal ban on “walkathons” and similar endurance events
Introduced by Rep. Rob VerHeulen (R) on February 26, 2015, to repeal a law prohibiting “walkathons” and similar endurance contests. This is part of an archaic laws package comprised of House Bills 4247 to 4252.

House Bill 4251: Repeal archaic laws
Introduced by Rep. Andrea LaFontaine (R) on February 26, 2015, to repeal a law that bans the sale of artificially colored baby chicks, rabbits, or ducklings. This is part of an archaic laws package comprised of House Bills 4247 to 4252.

House Bill 4252: Repeal archaic laws
Introduced by Rep. Todd Courser (R) on February 26, 2015, to repeal a 1931 law that makes it a misdemeanor to place a gas station in a built-up urban area without getting permission from most of the nearby property owners. This is part of an archaic laws package comprised of House Bills 4247 to 4252.

House Bill 4253: Mandate specified security guard training
Introduced by Rep. Robert Wittenberg (D) on February 26, 2015, to mandate security guards receive 16 hours of classroom instruction in subjects specified in the bill that are relevant to this occupation.

House Bill 4254: Revise regulation of security guard businesses
Introduced by Rep. Martin Howrylak (R) on February 26, 2015, to revise a law imposing registration requirements on security alarm providers so it conforms with proposals to revise the statutory authority for licensure and regulation of private security guard and security alarm businesses. See also Senate Bill 162.

House Bill 4255: Revise security guard company licensure fees
Introduced by Rep. Brett Roberts (R) on February 26, 2015, to establish license fees for security guard agencies or branch offices. See also Senate Bill 162.

House Bill 4256: Impose licensure on home inspectors
Introduced by Rep. Jim Tedder (R) on February 26, 2015, to impose licensure, fees, “apprentice” requirements, government regulation, entrance exams to enter the occupation, and more on home inspection services. The bill would create a Michigan Home Inspectors Board comprised of incumbent providers to establish requirements on new entrants, and would establish regulations on home inspector training, contracts, operations, disclosures, and more.

House Bill 4257: Reduce maximum truck weights
Introduced by Rep. Marilyn Lane (D) on February 26, 2015, to reduce the maximum weight of trucks allowed on Michigan roads from 164,000 to 80,000 pounds.

House Bill 4258: Ban insurance rate hike for pothole damage
Introduced by Rep. Marilyn Lane (D) on February 26, 2015, to prohibit auto insurers from increasing a person’s rates due to damage caused by hitting a pothole.

House Bill 4259: Let 278 cities impose additional public safety property tax
Introduced by Rep. Marilyn Lane (D) on February 26, 2015, to allow cities with more than 70,000 residents impose “special assessment” property taxes to pay for police and fire services. These taxes would be imposed over and above regular property taxes, and would require a vote of the community. According to a Senate Fiscal Agency of a similar bill in the previous legislature, this could allow 278 cities to impose these additional taxes..

House Bill 4260: Restrict oil and gas drilling in Wayne County
Introduced by Rep. Michael Webber (R) on February 26, 2015, to prohibit oil and gas wells within 1,000 feet of a residential building in Wayne County, unless all the property owners within that distance give their permission.

House Bill 4261: Ban “open carry” in prohibited concealed pistol carry areas
Introduced by Rep. Andy Schor (D) on February 26, 2015, to add public libraries to a provision that prohibits regular citizens who have met the qualification and received a concealed pistol permit from carrying a pistol in specified places. Also, to ban “open carry” (versus concealed carry) of firearms in those specified places.

House Bill 4262: Ban “open carry” in prohibited concealed pistol carry areas
Introduced by Rep. Jon Hoadley (D) on February 26, 2015, to establish sentencing guidelines for violation of the firearms “open carry” ban prohibitions proposed by House Bill 4261.

House Bill 4263: Revise training detail for licensed athletic trainers
Introduced by Rep. Andrea LaFontaine (R) on February 26, 2015, to mandate that licensed athletic trainer must successfully complete training that includes lessons on automated external defibrillator use by medical professionals, in addition to the current requirements for first aid and CPR lessons. The bill would also cut the license fee for trainers, and revise other details of this regulatory regime.

House Bill 4264: Codify “metes and bounds” description of state boundaries
Introduced by Rep. Phil Potvin (R) on February 26, 2015, to place in statute a precise “metes and bounds” type description of the boundaries of the State of Michigan, which also includes references to historical treaties.

House Bill 4265: Revise community college tax zone annexation details
Introduced by Rep. Amanda Price (R) on February 26, 2015, to revise details of the procedures for calling a special election to annex territory to a community college district (which subjects property owners in the affected area to the property taxes imposed by the college).

House Bill 4266: Mandate precious metal and gem dealer transaction reports
Introduced by Rep. Mike Callton (R) on February 26, 2015, to revise a law that mandates precious metal and gem dealers provide detailed transaction reports to local law enforcement agencies, instead requiring these be sent to the state and entered in a state database the bill would authorize. The bill would also impose an annual levy of up to $250 on each location maintained by a dealer.

House Bill 4267: Create statewide junk and secondhand dealer transaction database
Introduced by Rep. Mike Callton (R) on February 26, 2015, to create a statewide database of transactions by junk and secondhand dealers, and mandate that they participate.

House Bill 4268: Create statewide pawnbroker transaction database
Introduced by Rep. Mike Callton (R) on February 26, 2015, to create a statewide database of items purchased by or pawned at pawnbrokers, and mandate that they participate. The bill also revises many details of the licensure regime imposed on pawnbrokers, among other things capping local license fees at $500 annually.

House Bill 4269: Sales tax exemption for car parts recycling deposit
Introduced by Rep. Rick Outman (R) on February 26, 2015, to not charge sales tax on a recycling fee, deposit, or disposal charge included in the purchase price of an automobile battery or other automobile part.

Senate Bill 81: Revise bank foreclosed residence tax treatment
Passed 33 to 4 in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to revise a provision that allows a bank or other lending institution that has foreclosed on a residence to retain the previous owner’s principal residence exemption on for up to three years. The bill would reduce that to two years, but eliminate a requirement that the lending institution must pay what it otherwise would have paid in school operating taxes without the exemption (the requirement means the lender doesn’t actually save any money, but keeping the “exemption” reportedly makes it easier to sell the property to a new homeowner).
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 137: Authorize appropriation for university autism programs
Passed 26 to 11 in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to authorize the transfer to university autism programs of $3.0 million from a state fund created by a 2012 law intended cover subsidies to health insurance companies to compensate for the cost of a new autism treatment coverage mandate imposed by another law passed that year.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 138: Revise crime victim’s rights fund distribution
Passed 27 to 10 in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to allocate up to $4.8 million in the current fiscal year to maintain a statewide trauma system statewide trauma system and related emergency medical services program activities. Money in this fund comes from assessments on criminal defendants. Current statute requires it be used for crime victim services and compensation.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 153
Introduced by Sen. Wayne Schmidt (R) on February 24, 2015, Expand vehicle accident chemical analysis testing to revise a law establishing that if the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident is taken to the hospital and a sample of the driver’s blood is withdrawn for medical treatment, the results of a chemical analysis are admissible in court to show the presence of alcohol or a controlled substance. The bill would expand this to include urine samples.

Senate Bill 154: Revise boxing and “mixed martial arts” regulation
Introduced by Sen. David Robertson (R) on February 24, 2015, to establish sentencing guidelines for violations of the prohibited conduct in “mixed martial arts” competitions proposed or amended by Senate Bill 152, which revises boxing and “mixed martial arts” regulations.

Senate Bill 155: Give tax break for hiring unemployed veteran
Introduced by Sen. Vincent Gregory (D) on February 24, 2015, to authorize a small business tax break of up to $4,000 for hiring a military veteran who has been unemployed for at least 60 days or has a service-related disability, with various exceptions.

Senate Bill 156: Repeal FDA approved drug lawsuit ban
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on February 24, 2015, to allow product liability lawsuits against drug companies for drugs that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The bill would repeal a tort reform law passed in 1995, under which such lawsuits are prohibited in Michigan courts unless the company intentionally withheld information or misled the FDA about the drug, or used bribery to gain approval.

Senate Bill 157: Sales tax exemption for car parts recycling deposit
Introduced by Sen. Curtis Hertel, Jr. (D) on February 24, 2015, to not charge sales tax on a recycling fee, deposit, or disposal charge included in the purchase price of an automobile battery or other automobile part.

Senate Bill 158: Ban personal care product “microbeads”
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on February 25, 2015, to prohibit the manufacture and sale in Michigan of personal care products containing plastic particles. This refers to “micro beads” in some brands of toothpaste and facial or body washes, which reportedly accumulate in the Great Lakes.

Senate Bill 159: Prohibit restricting certain communications
Introduced by Sen. Curtis Hertel, Jr. (D) on February 25, 2015, to patients to prohibit a government agency from requiring that a medical professional give a patient “information that is not medically accurate and appropriate,” or a medical service “in a manner that is not evidence-based.” Also, to prohibit agencies from prohibiting a medical professional from giving a patient “medically accurate information that is appropriate” or a “a medical service that is evidence-based and appropriate” for the patient.

Senate Bill 160: Revise Detroit debt-financed spending detail
Introduced by Sen. Darwin Booher (R) on February 25, 2015, to revise details of a 2011 law that expanded allowable debt-financed deficit spending by Detroit, to clarify a provision allowing some city revenue to held in trust for certain creditors.

Senate Bill 161: Impose licensure mandate on security guards and businesses
Introduced by Sen. Darwin Booher (R) on February 25, 2015, to impose a licensure mandate on security guards and security guard agencies, and revise many details of a comprehensive regulatory regime that already covers these individuals and companies.

Senate Bill 162: Revise regulation of security guard businesses
Introduced by Sen. Darwin Booher (R) on February 25, 2015, to revise many details of a comprehensive regulatory regime for security guards and agencies, and transfer the statutory authority for these regulations from a Private Security Business and Security Alarm Act to the state Occupational Code.

Senate Bill 163: Revise regulation of security guard businesses
Introduced by Sen. Darwin Booher (R) on February 25, 2015, to revise a law imposing registration requirements on security alarm providers so it conforms with the proposal in Senate Bill 162 to revise the statutory authority for licensure and regulation of private security guard and security alarm businesses.

Senate Bill 164
Introduced by Sen. Bert Johnson (D) on February 25, 2015, Revise security guard company licensure fees to establish license fees for security guard agencies or branch offices. See also Senate Bill 162.

Senate Bill 165: Authorize pedal-powered beer bars
Introduced in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to establish in statute that a “commercial quadricycle,” which is a pedal-powered mobile beer bar, is not considered a “motor vehicle” even if it has auxiliary power, and instead would be subject to the less onerous regulations imposed on “low-speed vehicles,” or if operated on a sidewalk, the regulations imposed on “Segways.” Under this and Senate Bill 166 passengers would be allowed to have open beer or wine containers, but the driver would be required to have a blood alcohol level of zero.

Senate Bill 166: Authorize pedal-powered beer bars
Introduced by Sen. Tom Casperson (R) on February 26, 2015, to establish in statute that a “commercial quadricycle,” which is a pedal-powered mobile beer bar, is not considered a “motor vehicle” even if it has auxiliary power, and instead would be subject to the less onerous regulations imposed on “low-speed vehicles,” or if operated on a sidewalk, the regulations imposed on “Segways.” Under this and Senate Bill 165 passengers would be allowed to have open beer or wine containers, but the driver would be required to have a blood alcohol level of zero.

Senate Bill 167: Revise MBT detail
Introduced by Sen. Jack Brandenburg (R) on February 26, 2015, to establish that “purchases from other firms,” which are excluded from the base used in calculating taxable gross receipts under the Michigan Business Tax, include certain costs “incurred to acquire inventory” regardless of whether it was in the original purchase agreement.

Senate Bill 168: Reduce maximum truck weights
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on February 26, 2015, to reduce the maximum weight of trucks allowed on Michigan roads from 164,000 to 80,000 pounds. This would not necessarily reduce the maximum weight per axle, which would require more trucks trailers to carry the same amount as currently on Michigan highways.

House Bill 4110: Revise school aid budget
The amendment failed 14 to 23 in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to not fund community colleges from the school aid fund, but from other state accounts. Note: The school aid fund is established by the state constitution, which specifies that it may be used for may be used only “for aid to school districts, higher education, and school employees’ retirement systems.” According to some other language added by the 1994 Proposal A initiative suggests the fund may not be used for higher education.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4110: Revise school aid budget
Passed 23 to 14 in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to shift the sources of funding for the current fiscal year school aid budget to compensate for lower than expected balances in the state “general fund.” This is due to higher than expected payouts to corporations and developers who were granted selective “tax credit” deals by the previous administration. (The draw-down of this fund is happening despite state revenue collections actually rising faster than spending in the current year.) The bill also reduces school aid appropriations to reflect lower than expected public school enrollment figures in the current school year, and reduces some payments intended to reduce the amount of unfunded liabilities in the school employee defined benefit pension system.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4112: Revise current year state budget
The amendment failed 12 to 25 in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to appropiate $1 million in spending for a study to determine how much money per student is needed for a public school to educate students sufficiently well to meet state graduation requirements. The study itself was authorized in a 2014 lame duck legislative session, reportedly in return for Democratic votes on a sales tax increase that is part of a $2 billion tax hike for road repairs and other spending.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4112: Revise current year state budget
Passed 26 to 11 in the Senate on February 26, 2015, to revise the current year state budget to reflect lower than expected welfare and Medicaid caseloads, and add additional spending in a number of areas due to increased federal and other revenues. Also, to reduce some state “general fund” spending to reflect lower than expected balances in this fund brought about by higher than expected payouts to corporations and developers who were granted selective “tax credit” deals by the previous administration. Among the cuts are $12 million out of the $50 million previously appropriated for subsidies to film producers this year. Finally, the bill adds $11.2 million to cover costs incurred by a statewide ballot initiative on May 5 that would increase the state sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent, and trigger additional tax increases that all told come to a $2 billion.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4151: Repeal criminal sanctions for minor with BB gun
Passed 80 to 29 in the House on February 26, 2015, to repeal a law that makes it a misdemeanor for a minor unaccompanied by an adult to possess a BB gun except in his or her own home or yard.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4152: Revise firearms definition
Passed 87 to 22 in the House on February 26, 2015, to revise the definition of “firearm” in state statute so it longer applies to BB, pellet or “air-soft” guns. The new definition would be a gun that “expels a projectile by action of an explosive”.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4153: Revise firearms definition
Passed 85 to 24 in the House on February 26, 2015, to revise the definition of “firearm” in state statute so it longer applies to BB, pellet or “air-soft” guns. The new definition would be a gun that “expels a projectile by action of an explosive”.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4154: Revise firearms definition
Passed 87 to 22 in the House on February 26, 2015, to revise the definition of “firearm” in the law that authorizes hunting and fishing regulations, so that it no longer applies to “air soft” or paint ball guns. Restrictions would still apply to use in the field of BB or pellet guns (precision versions of the latter are often used for hunting). This is part of a package that revises the definition of “firearm” in other statutes so it longer applies to BB, pellet, paint ball or “air-soft” guns.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4155: Revise firearms definition
Passed 88 to 21 in the House on February 26, 2015, to revise the definition of “firearm” in the state penal code so it longer applies to BB, pellet, paint ball or “air-soft” guns. The new definition would be a gun that “expels a projectile by action of an explosive.” However, using one of those non-firearms to commit a crime would still be subject to serious criminal penalties (the bill authorizes up to five years for a first offense).
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

215 posted on 03/04/2015 2:58:32 AM PST by cripplecreek ("For by wise guidance you can wage your war")
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To: cripplecreek

Senate Bill 86: Authorize more local “pension obligation bonds”
Passed 38 to 0 in the Senate on March 4, 2015, to extend for one year the Dec. 31, 2015 sunset on a law passed in 2012 to allow local governments to borrow money to cover unfunded employee pension liabilities, which is allowed only if the local has closed its traditional “defined benefit” pension system to new employees. The law also allows locals to incur long term debt to pay for future retiree health insurance costs, which unlike pensions are not legally enforceable obligations. This would be the second extension of this deadline.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4051: Require certain low income housing tax disclosures
Passed 110 to 0 in the House on March 3, 2015, to allow the Department of Treasury to disclose the address and millage rate of each housing unit that is part of part of a tax-exempt housing project, and whether the units are instead subject to a “service charge” in lieu of regular property taxes.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

216 posted on 03/06/2015 3:46:29 AM PST by cripplecreek ("For by wise guidance you can wage your war")
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