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To: cripplecreek

House Bill 4001: Repeal “prevailing wage” law
Introduced by Rep. Amanda Price (R) on January 15, 2015, to repeal the state “prevailing wage” law, which prohibits awarding government contracts to contractors who submit the lowest bid unless the contractor pays “prevailing wages,” which are based on regional union pay scales that tend to be above the market rate.

House Bill 4002: Repeal “prevailing wage” law
Introduced by Rep. Aric Nesbitt (R) on January 15, 2015, to revise a law that authorizes Detroit to create an entity to distribute selective corporate and developer tax breaks and subsidies so that it conforms with the proposal in House Bill 4001 to repeal the so-called “prevailing wage” law, which prohibits awarding government contracts to contractors who submit the lowest bid unless the contractor pays wages based on union-devised pay scales.

House Bill 4003: Repeal “prevailing wage” law
Introduced by Rep. Bradford Jacobsen (R) on January 15, 2015, to revise the state school code so that it conforms with the proposal in House Bill 4001 to repeal the so-called “prevailing wage” law that prohibits awarding government contracts to contractors who submit the lowest bid unless the contractor pays wages based on union-devised pay scales.

House Bill 4004: Revise township annexation process
Introduced by Rep. Kurt Heise (R) on January 15, 2015, to require a vote of the people in a charter township for any of its territory to be annexed by a city or village.

House Bill 4005: Increase sanctions for certain liquor license law violations
Introduced by Rep. Kurt Heise (R) on January 15, 2015, to increase the penalties and licensing sanctions for certain liquor license law violations deemed by the bill to be “critical” violations.

House Bill 4006: Mandate emergency cell phone user location disclosures
Introduced by Rep. Kurt Heise (R) on January 15, 2015, to require cell phone companies to disclose call location information when requested by law enforcement because the information is needed in an emergency situation that involves the risk of death or injury. The bill would grant legal immunity to cell phone companies for making the disclosures.

House Bill 4007: Revise, update wiretap procedures
Introduced by Rep. Kurt Heise (R) on January 15, 2015, to revise and update the procedures for law enforcement wiretaps. The bill also prohibits and authorizes penalties for the sale and use of interception devices by the public.

House Bill 4008: Revise, update wiretap procedures
Introduced by Rep. Kurt Heise (R) on January 15, 2015, to establish sentencing guidelines for wiretapping violation penalties proposed by House Bill 4007.

House Bill 4009: Expand allowable uses of school “sinking fund” taxes
Introduced by Rep. Phil Phelps (D) on January 15, 2015, to allow school districts to spend revenue from “sinking fund” property taxes on “technology,” including computers, software and communications devices. Under current law, sinking fund taxes may be used only for the purchase of land, or construction and (major) repair of school buildings. Regular school bonds may be used to fund a much wider array of activities. Schools are allowed to levy up to five mills in sinking fund property taxes.

House Bill 4010: Expand “promise zone” tax increment financing schemes
Introduced by Rep. Phil Phelps (D) on January 15, 2015, to expand from 10 to 15 the number of “promise zone” tax increment financing authorities (TIFA) located in low income and “low educational attainment” areas. These entities were authorized by a 2008 law to “capture” a portion of any increases in the state portion of school property tax revenue in the area, and use the money to partially subsidize college tuition for local students.

House Bill 4011: Revise Tax Tribunal fee detail
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to revise the procedures for adding additional past years to a property tax overcharge appeal filed with the Michigan Tax Tribunal. Under current law, a motion to amend a claim to include additional years requires an extra fee. The bill would essentially repeal this requirement..

House Bill 4012: Require local zoning let residents grow some farm products
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to establish that under local zoning ordinances property zoned as residential may be used by a resident to grow farm products and animals for personal use and some “de minimis” sales.

House Bill 4013: Revise CPL “gun free zone” for personal protection orders
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to authorize concealed pistol license boards to waive the “gun free zone” restrictions on a licensee who has been granted a personal protection order.

House Bill 4014: Restrict schools collecting personal and “biometric” student data
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to prohibit public schools from collecting or using student “biometric” or other specified data, including data from a behavior-response measuring “biofeedback” or facial recognition device. The bill also bans schools administering tests that ask students about their own or family members’ socioeconomic status; place of birth; political affiliations or beliefs; religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs; income; or any other data about the student’s relationships, health, behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs, unless approved in writing by a parent or legal guardian. Schools would also be prohibited from revealing any such information to a state or federal government agency.

House Bill 4015: Repeal ticket scalping ban
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to repeal a state law that bans ticket “scalping” at sports and entertainment events, or selling tickets at a higher price through some service or agency.

House Bill 4016: Cut state income tax rate
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to cut the state income tax from 4.25 percent to 4.15 percent as of Jan. 1, 2015, and to 4.05 percent on Jan. 1, 2016.

House Bill 4017: Provide liability waiver for food donations
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Farrington (R) on January 15, 2015, to establish that a food retailer, food service provider, processor, farm, etc., who donates food to a nonprofit charity, and the charity itself, are immune from civil damages or criminal liability resulting from the nature, age, condition, or packaging of the food unless they knew or had reasonable grounds to know the food was adulterated or not fit for human consumption..

House Bill 4018: Clarify taxable software definition
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Farrington (R) on January 15, 2015, to clarify that when one person grants another the right to use “prewritten computer software,” this is not subject to the state sales tax. This applies to “cloud”-based computing services.

House Bill 4019: Clarify taxable software definition
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Farrington (R) on January 15, 2015, to clarify that when one person grants another the right to use “prewritten computer software,” this is not subject to the state use tax. This applies to “cloud”-based computing services.

House Bill 4020: Require school bus seat belts
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to require new school buses to be equipped with seat belts for each passenger.

House Bill 4021: Authorize 5-mill “sinking fund” property tax for school buses
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to allow school districts to use a “sinking fund” property tax to buy school buses. Under current law, schools may levy up to 5 mills for 20 years for a “sinking fund,” which is a permanent fund that may only be used only for land purchases and the construction or (major) repair of school buildings.

House Bill 4022: Require steps to avoid foster child identity theft
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to require foster care caseworkers to annually request credit reports on each foster care child they are assigned, and if the report suggests the presence of fraudulent activity in the child’s name, report this to the court at the next 90-day review of the child’s foster care plan. The individual appointed by the court to guard the child’s legal interest (guardian ad litem) would then be required to contact the credit reporting agency immediately and request they remove the fraudulent activity from the report. The caseworker also would be required to discuss these matters with the child.

House Bill 4023: Ban child care for more than 11 consecutive hours
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to prohibit a parent or guardian from leaving a child in the care of a child care center, group child care home, or family child care home for longer than 11 consecutive hours, unless the parent works longer than that.

House Bill 4024: Mandate adoption leave with benefits
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to mandate that an employer with at least 50 employees must grant four weeks of leave with full fringe benefits to an employee who adopts a child or becomes the parent of a newborn. The bill creates a new law.

House Bill 4025: Revise government contracting procedures
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to require local governments to select architects, professional engineers, and professional surveyors “in accordance with competitive, qualifications-based selection processes and procedures for the type of professional service”.

House Bill 4026: Revise government contracting procedures
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to require the Department of Transportation to select architects, professional engineers, professional surveyors “in accordance with competitive, qualifications-based selection processes and procedures for the type of professional service”.

House Bill 4027: Exempt certain pension income from state income tax
Introduced by Rep. Tom Barrett (R) on January 15, 2015, to reverse the provision of Gov. Rick Snyder’s 2011 income tax overhaul and business tax cut that partially eliminated some of the state income tax exemptions for pension income.

House Bill 4028: Revise out-of-wedlock paternity provisions
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 15, 2015, to require the state to create a “responsible father registry” where a man can register who wants to be notified of an adoption or termination of parental rights proceeding for a child whom he may have fathered. He would have to register before or within 48 hours of the child’s birth. This is intended to speed-up the adoption process, including reducing the time a birth-parent has to change his or her mind.

House Bill 4029: Allow no-reason absentee voting
Introduced by Rep. George T. Darany (D) on January 15, 2015, to eliminate the requirement that a person give a specific reason for requesting an absentee ballot.

House Bill 4030: Ban lobbyist contributions in public buildings
Introduced by Rep. George T. Darany (D) on January 15, 2015, to prohibit lobbyists from delivering campaign contributions, or making promises of future contributions, to a candidate in a state government facility.

House Bill 4031: Exclude “investigational drugs” from medical welfare benefits
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to exclude payments for “investigational drugs” that have completed phase clinical trials but are not approved by the FDA for general use from benefits provided by state medical welfare programs.

House Bill 4032: Regulate Uber, Lyft, etc.; preempt local bans
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on January 15, 2015, to establish a regulatory framework that would enable “transportation network companies” like Uber and Lyft to operate in this state, including a preemption on local government regulations or bans. The companies would have to get a permit from the Secretary of State and carry liability insurance as specified in the bill. Drivers would have to get a background check and be at least 21 years old. Vehicles would have to get an annual inspection by a licensed mechanic and bear signs. Riders would have be given specified information and options, with systems to protect their personal information. Street hailing and the use of cab stands by the vehicles would be prohibited.

House Bill 6047: Local government public notices package
Introduced by Rep. Amanda Price (R) on December 2, 2014, to amend a blight rehabilitation statute to reflect the changes to government public notice requirements proposed by House Bill 5560. This is one of dozens of bills amending different statutes to accommodate this proposal.

House Bill 6087: Created local firearm regulation preemption exceptions
Introduced by Rep. Martin Howrylak (R) on December 9, 2014, to create exceptions to the law prohibiting local governments from banning consumer fireworks use on or near “national holidays.” Among other things the bill would allow locals to regulate use through zoning ordinances.

203 posted on 01/21/2015 5:41:31 AM PST by cripplecreek ("For by wise guidance you can wage your war")
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To: cripplecreek

Senate Bill 13: Eliminate straight ticket ballot option
Introduced by Sen. Marty Knollenberg (R) on January 20, 2015, to eliminate the straight party ticket option from election ballots.

Senate Bill 14: Restrict radioactive material storage and disposal
Introduced by Sen. Phil Pavlov (R) on January 20, 2015, to prohibit storing or disposing radioactive waste from another state or country in Michigan, and ban storing any radioactive material other than what is allowed under current law for nuclear power plants, uranium mines and medical uses. The bill would also create a state advisory board for the purpose of writing a report on the potential impact of depositing radioactive waste deep underground at a site in Kincardine, Ontario, as proposed by an Ontario utility.

Senate Bill 15: Assert immunity of “Michigan-made” firearms from federal gun bans
Introduced by Sen. Phil Pavlov (R) on January 20, 2015, to establish that firearms which are completely made in Michigan may be possessed and sold in this state, notwithstanding any potential federal gun bans claiming authority based on the U.S. constitution’s interstate commerce clause.

Senate Bill 17: Return tax foreclosure profits to homeowner
Introduced by Sen. Rick Jones (R) on January 20, 2015, to require any profits from the sale of a tax delinquent residence at a foreclosure auction to be turned over to the (former) homeowner.

Senate Bill 18: Clarify ownership for some Calhoun County landholders
Introduced by Sen. Mike Nofs (R) on January 20, 2015, to require the state to take actions that remove questions about the title to land held “under color of title” by a number of citizens of Clarence Township in Calhoun County, and convey clean titles to these owners.

Senate Bill 19: Clarify ownership for some Calhoun County landholders
Introduced by Sen. Mike Nofs (R) on January 20, 2015, to establish that the property conveyances that would result from the proposal in Senate Bill 18 would not be subject to the taxable value “bump up” wherein the new basis for property tax assessments becomes the property’s state equalized value (market value), rather than the capped “taxable value”.

Senate Bill 20: Require that criminal offenders know act was unlawful for conviction
Introduced by Sen. Mike Shirkey (R) on January 20, 2015, to establish that in any new law creating a criminal offense enacted after Jan. 1, 2016, if the law does not indicate whether a “culpable mental state” (“mens rea”) is required to establish guilt, the presumption will be that this is required, meaning that prosecutors must show that the defendant violated the law “purposely, knowingly or recklessly.” If a new criminal law does require a culpable mental state, the bill would require this be shown for “each material element of the offense.” Under current law, many complex “administrative” offenses authorize criminal penalties for actions that a regular person would not know are illegal.

Senate Bill 21: Increase some State Police pensions
Introduced by Sen. Mike Nofs (R) on January 21, 2015, to revise wording in a provision of the State Police pension law. This appears to make no substantive change and is related to Senate Bill 22 which increases some pensions.

Senate Bill 22: Increase some State Police pensions
Introduced by Sen. Tom Casperson (R) on January 21, 2015, to increase the monthly pension payment to certain retired State Police employees by $300.

Senate Bill 23: Exempt certain pension income from state income tax
Introduced by Sen. Rick Jones (R) on January 21, 2015, to reverse the provision of Gov. Rick Snyder’s 2011 income tax overhaul and business tax cut that partially eliminated some of the state income tax exemptions for pension income.

Senate Bill 24: Authorize homestead tax exemption for inherited house
Introduced by Sen. Mike Nofs (R) on January 21, 2015, to establish if a person dies and leaves his or her principal residence to a child, the heir may retain the homestead property tax exemption for up to two years as long as it is vacant and not leased or used for a business operation.

Senate Bill 25: Give TEDF subsidies to hospitals
Introduced by Sen. Mike Kowall (R) on January 22, 2015, to allow “Transportation Economic Development Fund” subsidies and spending for medical care and research facilities..

Senate Bill 26: Revise real estate licensure details
Introduced by Sen. Mike Kowall (R) on January 22, 2015, to revise, update and expand many details of the law that imposes a licensure mandate on real estate brokers and salespersons. Among other things, the bill would establish that possession of a law degree or MBA degree would be considered equivalent to 60 of the 90 hours of instruction mandated to obtain a broker’s license.

Senate Bill 27: Revise abortion complication reporting law
Introduced by Sen. Rick Jones (R) on January 22, 2015, to require the Department of Community Health to create a form that can be used by an individual who has actual knowledge of a woman who has sought treatment for a physical complication that is a result of an abortion, and which was not reported to the state by the abortion provider as required. The bill establishes procedures to record the information in a manner that would not reveal to an outsider the identity of the woman who is the subject of the report, and transmit it to any physician and health facility named in the form in a manner that does not reveal the identity of the individual who provided the information.

Senate Bill 28: Increase penalties for certain animal abuse crimes
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on January 22, 2015, to revise a 2008 law that increased the penalties for abusing animals in cases of multiple animals, to increase the penalties even more for violations involving 25 or more animals, or when the violator has prior offenses.

Senate Bill 29: Increase penalties for certain animal abuse crimes
Introduced by Sen. Rick Jones (R) on January 22, 2015, to establish sentencing guidelines for the increased animal cruelty penalties proposed by Senate Bill 28.

Senate Bill 30: Exempt certain pension income from state income tax
Introduced by Sen. David Knezek (D) on January 22, 2015, to reverse the provision of Gov. Rick Snyder’s 2011 income tax overhaul and business tax cut that partially eliminated some of the state income tax exemptions for pension income.

House Bill 4035: Allow waiver or jury trial in commercial leases
Introduced by Rep. Anthony Forlini (R) on January 21, 2015, to allow commercial lease agreements to include a provision waiving a party’s right to a jury trial in the event of a dispute.

House Bill 4036: Increase liquor distributors reporting requirements
Introduced by Rep. Anthony Forlini (R) on January 21, 2015, to require liquor distributors to submit detailed monthly reports on the amount of products they received and delivered, including free “sample” bottles given out to retailers. Also, the require all the regular taxes be paid on those samples.

House Bill 4037: Let township supervisors officiate marriages
Introduced by Rep. Anthony Forlini (R) on January 21, 2015, to allow township supervisors to perform (“solemnize”) marriages.

House Bill 4038: Allow eviction notices by email
Introduced by Rep. Anthony Forlini (R) on January 21, 2015, to allow landlords to send eviction notices by email, if the lease provides for this.

House Bill 4039: Revise tax foreclosure publication details
Introduced by Rep. Jon Bumstead (R) on January 21, 2015, to revise details of the public notice publication provisions of the law authorizing foreclosure for delinquent property taxes. This applies to the publications a notice may or must be published in, and in certain cases would allow posting on a website.

House Bill 4040: Waive some state fees for veterans
Introduced by Rep. Robert Kosowski (D) on January 21, 2015, to revise the documentation required by a veteran to establish a claim to a waiver authorized by a 2012 law of the fees charged under a state-imposed licensure mandate for electricians.

House Bill 4041: Ban welfare and remove children from home for truancy
Introduced by Rep. Al Pscholka (R) on January 21, 2015, to prohibit giving welfare benefits to a household with children who are truants or not being educated, and remove the children from the household.

House Bill 4042: Impose tax on horse-drawn vehicles
Introduced by Rep. Joel Johnson (R) on January 21, 2015, to empower counties to impose a registration fee (tax) of up to $50 on horse-drawn vehicles. A vote of the people would be required.

House Bill 4043: Reduce school aid differences between districts
Introduced by Rep. Joel Johnson (R) on January 21, 2015, to increase the per student school aid “foundation allowance” for lower spending school districts to a level defined in the bill, and lower it for higher spending districts. In the fiscal year that begins on Oct. 1, 2015 the reduction would be $219, $220 in the following year, and $225 in the third year. Charter schools would get the minimum foundation allowance.

House Bill 4044: Revise government audit requirement
Introduced by Rep. Joel Johnson (R) on January 21, 2015, to exempt government authorities with annual budgets less than $50,000 from an annual audit requirement, and only require audits every two years unless some material deficiency is found by an audit.

House Bill 4045: Make target pay arrest warrant costs
Introduced by Rep. Joel Johnson (R) on January 21, 2015, to empower courts to order a person convicted of a crime to reimburse the expenses incurred in executing a bench warrant for the person’s arrest.

House Bill 4046: Require enhanced school bus tail lights
Introduced by Rep. Holly Hughes (R) on January 21, 2015, to mandate that new school buses have “enhanced rear lighting at the top and bottom”.

House Bill 4047: Rename a road
Introduced by Rep. Joel Johnson (R) on January 21, 2015, to designate a portion of M-18 between Gladwin and Beaverton in Gladwin County as the “Veterans Memorial Highway”.

House Bill 4048: Let library board members get pay
Introduced by Rep. Ken Yonker (R) on January 22, 2015, to allow members of the board of directors of a public libraries to be paid up to $30 per meeting, plus expenses. Library board members are political appointees who under current law receive reimbursement for expenses but no pay.

House Bill 4049: Revise nursing facility tax detail
Introduced by Rep. Ken Yonker (R) on January 22, 2015, to eliminate a “grandfathering” and ownership change qualification from the law that exempts property owned by a “skilled nursing facility” from property taxes.

House Bill 4050: Ease gas station liquor license restrictions
Introduced by Rep. Ken Yonker (R) on January 22, 2015, to ease certain restrictions on gas stations that have liquor licenses, among other things changing a requirement that some types of seller must have $250,000 in inventory, changing this to $50,000.

House Bill 4051: Require certain low income housing tax disclosures
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Farrington (R) on January 22, 2015, to allow the Department of Treasury to disclose the address of each housing unit that is part of housing projects exempt from property taxes, and whether the units are instead subject to a “service charge”.

House Bill 4052: Ban local “community benefit” mandate as condition of developing property
Introduced by Rep. Earl Poleski (R) on January 22, 2015, to prohibit local governments from adopting a “community benefits” ordinance that imposes mandatory wage, benefit, or leave time requirements on developers or contractors as a condition of developing a piece of property. This would also prohibit locals from imposing a “prevailing wage” mandate requiring these employers to pay “union scale” wages to the extent this is not already required by state or federal law.

House Bill 4053: Increase penalty for paying a person to run for office
Introduced by Rep. Earl Poleski (R) on January 22, 2015, to authorize up to one year in prison and $500 fine for promising, providing, or accepting valuable consideration to run (or not run) for a political office, not including campaign contributions.

House Bill 4054: Expand mobile home court regulation
Introduced by Rep. Andy Schor (D) on January 22, 2015, to impose new licensure conditions mobile home parks; require the state “Manufactured Housing Commission” to notify local governments of any complaints from residents; impose a performance bond mandate on mobile home park owners; impose an annual inspection mandate; authorize placing a park under court-ordered receivership if conditions threaten residents’ health and safety; and more.

House Bill 4055: Increase mandate on utilities
Introduced by Rep. Sam Singh (D) on January 22, 2015, to reduce consumption to increase a mandate that requires electric and gas utilities to undertake programs intended to cause net consumption to fall each year. The bill would gradually make the mandates more stringent by requiring annual reductions of 2 percent for electricity and 1.5 percent for gas.

House Bill 4056: Require human trafficking hotline postings
Introduced by Rep. Kurt Heise (R) on January 22, 2015, to mandate that signs giving information about a human trafficking hotline be posted at all highway rest areas, bus and train depots, etc. The signs would also have to be posted at all “adult oriented entertainment” businesses.

House Bill 4057: Mandate “disparate impact” study for new industrial facilities
Introduced by Rep. Stephanie Chang (D) on January 22, 2015, to require an applicant for an air quality emissions permit to submit a study of the “increased and cumulative risks” of discharges for a project in a “likely disparate impact” area, and require the Department of Environmental Quality to hold a hearing and consider this before issuing a permit.

House Bill 4058: Impose new regulations on “petroleum coke”
Introduced by Rep. Stephanie Chang (D) on January 22, 2015, to impose new regulations and a permit mandate on the storage and transport of “petroleum coke” (“pet coke”). This is related to a Marathon Oil refinery expansion in Detroit.

204 posted on 01/26/2015 4:16:54 AM PST by cripplecreek ("For by wise guidance you can wage your war")
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