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To: cripplecreek

House Joint Resolution QQ: Earmark 10 percent of road tax revenue to bus systems
Introduced by Rep. Jim Townsend (D) on October 6, 2014, to place before voters in the next general election a Constitutional amendment that would mandate earmarking 10 percent of all road tax revenue to transit subsidies, primarily for municipal bus systems.

House Joint Resolution II: Make state commissioner of insurance an elected position
Introduced in the House on June 12, 2014, to place before voters in the next general election a constitutional amendment to make the state commissioner of insurance an elected position.

Senate Joint Resolution EE: Make state constitution “gender neutral”
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on March 25, 2014, to place before voters in the next general election a constitutional amendment to edit the document to make it “gender neutral.” For example, the current constitution adopted in 1963 establishes that “Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state.” Under the proposal, that would become “for the defense of himself or herself”.

Senate Joint Resolution FF: Impose higher sales tax for roads
Introduced by Sen. Bruce Caswell (R) on March 25, 2014, to place before voters in the next general election a constitutional amendment authorizing a 1 percent increase in the state sales tax, from 6 percent to 7 percent, and earmarking the new revenue to roads.

Senate Bill 1139: Revise “community corrections program” details
Introduced by Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker (R) on November 12, 2014, to make technical revisions to “community corrections programs” created as alternatives to jail and prison, so as to reflect changes in the sentencing guidelines and other corrections-related statutes.

Senate Bill 1140: Revise auto insurance “excluded driver” detail
Introduced by Sen. Virgil Smith, Jr. (D) on November 12, 2014, to establish that when a no-fault auto insurance policy specifies that a member of the vehicle owner’s household is an “excluded driver” ineligible to collect unlimited personal protection benefits, and the person unlawfully takes the vehicle anyway, then any occupant who knows that a vehicle is unlawfully taken is also not eligible for benefits.

Senate Bill 1141: Create incarceration and sentencing study panel
Introduced by Sen. Rick Jones (R) on November 12, 2014, to create a 15-member Criminal Justice Policy Commission to gather and analyze data on the effects of a number of criminal sentencing, incarceration and release practices and procedures.

Senate Bill 1142: Mandate college fire drill standards
Introduced by Sen. Mark Jansen (R) on November 12, 2014, to mandate minimum standards for college and university fire drills, and require institutions to certify to the state that they have adopted and practice them.

Senate Bill 1143: Revise real estate licensure details
Introduced by Sen. Mike Kowall (R) on November 12, 2014, to revise, update and expand many details of the law that imposes a licensure mandate on real estate brokers and salespersons. Among other things, the bill would establish that possession of a law degree or MBA degree would be considered equivalent to 60 of the 90 hours of instruction mandated to obtain a broker’s license.

Senate Bill 1144: Revise school pension detail
Introduced by Sen. Dave Hildenbrand (R) on November 13, 2014, to establish that school employees who retired in 1989 may boost their pension benefits by purchasing “service credits” for work performed as a college undergraduate which the pension board deems to have been of an “academic or educational nature.” This refers to a scheme that allows government employees to artificially boost the years-on-the-job component of the formula used to calculate post-retirement pension benefit levels.

Senate Bill 1145: Clarify health insurance drug benefit detail
Introduced by Sen. Dave Hildenbrand (R) on November 13, 2014, to clarify requirements in health plans that provide prescription drug coverage for synchronizing multiple prescriptions and dispensing fees.

Senate Bill 1146: Rename a road to
Introduced by Sen. Jim Marleau (R) on November 13, 2014, designate Scott Lake Road in Oakland County as the “Officer James R. DeLoach and Officer Steven J. Niewiek Memorial Highway”.

Senate Bill 1147: Revise speech pathologist licensure detail
Introduced by Sen. John Moolenaar (R) on November 13, 2014, to exempt from a state speech-language pathologist licensure mandate a college instructor with a masters degree or PhD in this field who has been practicing in the field since 2000.

Senate Bill 1148: Revise MCCA details, create insurance fraud authority
Introduced by Sen. Arlan Meekhof (R) on November 13, 2014, to create a new “insurance fraud prevention authority” funded by at least $6.25 million from assessments paid by insurers to maintain an insurance “facility” (the “pool”) created to provide insurance for individuals who are unable to get insurance in the regular market. The authority would provide financial support to law enforcement agencies and prosecutors intended to reduce insurance fraud. The bill would also amend many details of the law creating a Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association, including requiring an independent annual audit of the MCCA, and requiring it to comply with the state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as if it were public body. MCCA is the private entity established to provide reinsurance to cover the liability of individual auto insurance companies to pay unlimited medical claims above $500,000 per incident, as required by the state no-fault auto insurance law.

Senate Bill 1149: Authorize new state Senate office building
Introduced by Sen. Randy Richardville (R) on November 13, 2014, to authorize the sale of the Farnum Senate office building in Lansing and construction of a new building for Senators’ offices.

Senate Bill 1150: Reduce maximum truck weights
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on November 13, 2014, to reduce the maximum weight of trucks allowed on Michigan roads from 164,000 to 80,000 pounds. This would not necessarily reduce the maximum weight per axle, but would require more trucks trailers to carry the same amount as currently on Michigan highways.

House Bill 5933: Impose motor fuel tax on “alternative fuels”
Introduced by Rep. Mike Shirkey (R) on November 12, 2014, to tax “alternative fuels” for vehicles at a rate that is equivalent to the state diesel tax, as specified in the bill. This would apply to natural gas, LP gas, hydrogen, and related fuels.

House Bill 5934: Impose motor fuel tax on “alternative fuels”
Introduced by Rep. Mike Shirkey (R) on November 12, 2014, to allocate the alternative vehicle fuel tax proposed by House Bill 5933 to roads according to the current road tax distribution formula, except none of the money would go to transit (bus) system subsidies.

House Bill 5935: Revise eligibility for certain health-related welfare benefits
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Irwin (D) on November 12, 2014, to revise the income caps for a program that allows certain disabled individuals who otherwise are not eligible for Medicaid to pay a sliding-scale fee based on income to get these health-related welfare benefits. The bill would provide a discount (subsidy) equal to 50 percent of the cost for individuals with gross income between $75,000 and $150,000, versos no discount under current law.

House Bill 5936: Ban triclosan handwash
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Irwin (D) on November 12, 2014, to ban the sale of handwash or other products that contain the antibacterial agent triclosan, unless they have been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Recent research has found the product makes lab rats more susceptible to chemical-induced liver cancer.

House Bill 5937: Expand government road liability
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Irwin (D) on November 12, 2014, to expand the law establishing a government agency’s level of responsibility and liability for maintaining a highway so it is “reasonably safe and convenient for public travel.” Under the bill, this would be expanded to include an “obligation to provide and maintain road signage, markings, and traffic control devices and to properly design, construct, and maintain the roadway”.

House Bill 5938: Revise truck regulations
Introduced by Rep. Jeff Irwin (D) on November 12, 2014, to mandate that most truck trailers have bumpers that meet strength, design and height standards specified in the bill; and define “dangerous goods” in the law governing over-the-road trucking as anything that is dangerous when transported.

House Bill 5939: Establish separate farm laborer field sanitation regulations
Introduced by Rep. Rick Outman (R) on November 12, 2014, to exempt portable toilets for farm workers from the law governing septic systems, and instead require the Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Quality to promulgate “field sanitation, worker protection and food safety” regulations.

House Bill 5940: Increase fees on restaurants and food-related businesses
Introduced by Rep. Kevin Daley (R) on November 12, 2014, to increase a number of fees imposed on restaurants, food processors and other food-related businesses under a state food safety law.

House Bill 5941: Revise large county officer terms
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on November 12, 2014, to revise the terms of certain county officers in large counties, so they are elected in gubernatorial election years.

House Bill 5942: Ban state participation in federal highway checkpoints
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on November 12, 2014, to prohibit the participation of state and local law enforcement officers, Michigan National guard members, and state and local government employees in federal government checkpoints in which drivers are stopped on a road or highway in this state.

House Bill 5943: Join multi-state Health Care Compact
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on November 12, 2014, to authorize Michigan’s entry into a multi-state health care compact. If approved by congress all federal Medicaid and Medicare funds would be block-granted to member states, and member states would be exempt from health-related federal regulations and mandates. Member states would have primary responsibility for regulation of all nonmilitary health care goods and services in their state, plus health-related social welfare programs.

House Bill 5944: Extend “conscientious objector” protection to counselor students
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on November 12, 2014, to prohibit the board that establishes licensure standards for professional counselors from approving a university counseling education program unless it protects the rights of students faced with situations that conflict with their religious beliefs.

House Bill 5945: Require disclosures of automated license plate reader use by police
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on November 12, 2014, to require local and county law enforcement agencies that use automated license plate readers to file an annual report with the State Police showing the number of plates read each month, the number of stolen vehicles recovered through use of the devices, how long the agency retains information from the devices, and how it disposes of the information. See also house bill 4981.

House Bill 5946: Restrict warrantless residence searches
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on November 12, 2014, to establish that a law enforcement officer may not search a residence without a search warrant if a resident expressly objects, even if another resident consents after the objector is no longer physically present. This would not apply if one resident is the victim of a crime committed by another resident, or in “exigent” circumstances, meaning there is imminent danger to people, a suspect may escape or evidence may be destroyed.

House Bill 5947: Revise tax-foreclosed property sale disclosures
Introduced by Rep. Earl Poleski (R) on November 12, 2014, to require a local government that has foreclosed on tax-delinquent property to inform a prospective buyer if the property is subject to or targeted for condemnation proceedings for blight elimination.

House Bill 5948: Ban auto insurance policy durations less than 90 days
Introduced by Rep. Earl Poleski (R) on November 12, 2014, to ban vehicle insurance policies with a duration less than 90 days, and require policies to include a provision requiring the insured person to show the insurer proof of new insurance coverage before a policy can be cancelled at the request of the insured.

House Bill 5949: Allow local government debt for building demolition
Introduced by Rep. Earl Poleski (R) on November 12, 2014, to include building demolition in the purposes for which local governments can incur long-term debt.

House Bill 5950: Mandate newborns be tested for lysosomal storage disorders
Introduced by Rep. Earl Poleski (R) on November 12, 2014, to require health care facilities, or health care professionals in attendance at a birth, to test newborns for lysosomal storage disorders.

House Bill 5951: Regulate Uber, Lyft, etc.; preempt local bans
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on November 12, 2014, to establish a regulatory framework that would enable “transportation network companies” like Uber and Lyft to operate in this state, including a preemption on local government regulations or bans. The companies would have to get a permit from the Secretary of State and carry liability insurance as specified in the bill. Drivers would have to get a background check and be at least 21 years old. Vehicles would have to get an annual inspection by a licensed mechanic and bear signs. Riders would have be given specified information and options, with systems to protect their personal information. Street hailing and the use of cab stands by the vehicles would be prohibited.

House Bill 5952: Revise restrictions on Commerce Township park use
Introduced by Rep. Klint Kesto (R) on November 12, 2014, to permit Commerce Township in Oakland County to use a parcel of state land transferred to it in the 1980s “for public purposes” rather than only for a township park.

House Bill 5953: Revise county executive terms
Introduced by Rep. Klint Kesto (R) on November 12, 2014, to require elections for executives of counties with a population of more than one million to be in gubernatorial election years.

House Bill 5954: Revise pawn shop fee detail
Introduced by Rep. John Walsh (R) on November 13, 2014, to allow a pawn shop to charge a 20 percent fee to a person who uses a pawned item during the period when it is considered security for a loan. Under current law a pawn shop may only charge a $1 fee per month for this.

House Bill 5955: Nominate legislator and governor candidates at party conventions
Introduced by Rep. Greg MacMaster (R) on November 13, 2014, to require major party candidates for governor, state senator and state representative to be nominated at party conventions (as is now done for Secretary of State and Attorney General) rather than in primary elections.

House Bill 5956: Authorize “closed” presidential primary
Introduced by Rep. Greg MacMaster (R) on November 13, 2014, to require presidential primary elections to be a “closed” primary, meaning voters would have to “declare” that they want a Republican ballot. Under the bill, voter declaration information would not become public information subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.

House Bill 5957: Increase pesticide registration fees and conditions
Introduced by Rep. Dan Lauwers (R) on November 13, 2014, to increase a registration fee mandated for any pesticide used in this state, impose increased record keeping requirements on registrants, and require the company the files the application (a pest control service or pesticide maker) to continuously maintain a registered Michigan office and a resident agent.

House Bill 5958: Enact a “religious freedom restoration act”
Introduced by Rep. James “Jase” Bolger (R) on November 13, 2014, to establish that the state or a local government “shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability,” unless this is done “in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest” and uses “the least restrictive means” to further that interest.

House Bill 5959: Make homosexuals a civil rights law “protected class”
Introduced by Rep. Frank Foster (R) on November 13, 2014, to add “sexual orientation” to the characteristics that define membership in a protected class, against whom it is a crime to discriminate under the state’s Elliott-Larsen civil rights law. The law makes it a crime to deny employment, housing, use of public accommodations, public services, and educational facilities to another person on the basis of membership in a protected class.

House Bill 5960: Revise tax foreclosed property auction detail
Introduced by Rep. John Walsh (R) on November 13, 2014, to prohibit a person from bidding on tax-foreclosed property if the bidder owes delinquent property taxes on any other property in the jurisdiction.

House Bill 5961: Revise government pension system detail
Introduced by Rep. Ken Yonker (R) on November 13, 2014, to clarify some terms in the law requiring large government pension systems to have an investment committee that recommends asset allocations and actuarial assumptions.

House Bill 5962: Increase speed limits
Introduced by Rep. Scott Dianda (D) on November 13, 2014, to establish that variations from the general speed limits proposed by House Bill 5964 can only be based on the speed at which 85 percent of drivers are found to travel in free-flowing traffic..

House Bill 5963: Increase speed limits
Introduced by Rep. John Kivela (D) on November 13, 2014, to establish that exceeding the speed limit by five miles per hour or less is punishable by a fine only, with no record of conviction or driver-license “points”.

House Bill 5964: Increase speed limits
Introduced by Rep. Bradford Jacobsen (R) on November 13, 2014, to increase the normal speed limit to 80 miles per hour on rural freeways, 70 mph on urban freeways, 65 mph on state highways, 60 mph on county roads, and 55 mph on unpaved (gravel) roads (except in Oakland and Wayne counties, where it would be 45 mph). These limits could fall or rise based on studies of observed traffic speed. The limit for trucks would be 70 mph on all freeways (vs. 60 mph under current law). The limit on unposted residential subdivision and traditional downtown business district streets would remain at 25 mph. Speed limits on city streets outside subdivisions could only be set according to the table of driveway frequency, or based on a speed study (as specified by House Bill 5962).

House Bill 5965: Increase speed limits
Introduced by Rep. Bradford Jacobsen (R) on November 13, 2014, to establish that highway “school zone” speed limits are only enforceable for 30 minutes before and after school hours (vs. up to one hour in current law), and may be lowered not more than 15 miles per hour below the regular speed limit, or to 25 miles per hour, whichever is higher. This is part of a package comprised of House Bills 5962 to 5966 to increase speed limits and revise related laws; see also Senate Bills 894 to 898.

House Bill 5966: Increase speed limits
Introduced by Rep. Eileen Kowall (R) on November 13, 2014, to require that local traffic ordinances match the state-issued “manual of traffic control devices.” The bill would also revise the number of driver-license “points” assessed for various violations.

House Bill 5967: Revise mandate that utilities reduce energy production
Introduced by Rep. Wayne Schmidt (R) on November 13, 2014, to increase the required energy savings that must be achieved by “energy optimization plans” that utilities are mandated to undertake and pay for with surcharges on customer bills, establish new “pay-back period” rules on the money utilities spend on this; require 1 percent of the spending be allocated to research and commercialization of conservation innovations, and more. The bill would also require utilities to retain hour-by-hour customer use data for at least seven years.

House Bill 5968: Increase “renewable” energy mandates on utilities
Introduced by Rep. Scott Dianda (D) on November 13, 2014, to increase the mandate imposed by a 2008 law that electric utilities must generate at least 10 percent of their power from “renewable” sources by 2015. The mandate would increase to 19 percent in 2022, and then ratchet upwards by 1.5 percent annually unless suspended by the state Public Service Commission. The bill would also revise details of how these “renewable portfolios” are determined, and details of a “net metering” mandate imposed on utilities, which requires them to purchase electricity from customers who generate small amounts.

House Bill 5969: Authorize rules for “microgrids”
Introduced by Rep. Rob VerHeulen (R) on November 13, 2014, to require the Public Service Commission to authorize and establish statewide interconnection standards for “microgrids.” This is a small group of electricity users with their own generation source (including renewable sources such as solar or wind), connected to the main electric grid through a single interconnection but also capable of providing power to users if that connection is disrupted (“island mode”). The bill would require the PSC to submit a report on the concept and convene an advisory panel consisting of individuals representing various interests specified in the bill (including unions, environmentalist organizations, utilities, local governments, consumers, etc.).

House Bill 5970: Mandate police “body cameras”
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on November 13, 2014, to require armed police officers to wear a “body camera” and record the events that occur while he or she is on duty.

House Bill 5971: Mandate non-disclosure of alleged sexual harassment victims
Introduced by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D) on November 13, 2014, to require the state Department of Civil Rights to keep the identity of an alleged victim of sexual harassment confidential if the person requests this.

House Bill 5972: Revise sexual harassment statute of limitations
Introduced by Rep. Sarah Roberts (D) on November 13, 2014, to prohibit the state Civil Rights Commission from promulgating rules that limit the deadline for filing a sexual harassment complaint to less than 365 days after the date of the most recent act of alleged sexual harassment. See also House Bill 5973.

House Bill 5973: Revise sexual harassment statute of limitations
Introduced by Rep. Vicki Barnett (D) on November 13, 2014, to establish a six year statute of limitations for sexual harassment lawsuits filed under the state civil rights law.

House Bill 5974: Pro-rate Michigan’s electoral college presidential votes
Introduced by Rep. Pete Lund (R) on November 13, 2014, to revise the manner in which Michigan’s 16 votes in the Electoral College are allocated in a presidential election. The party getting the most popular votes would get half the Electoral College votes plus one, and one additional presidential elector for every 1.5 percent of the popular vote that the candidate receives over 50 percent of the popular vote. The party that comes in second would get the remainder. Currently, all states except Nebraska and Maine allocate their Electoral College on a “winner take all” basis. Reportedly, under the proposed system, rather than delivering all its electoral votes to Barrack Obama in 2012, he would have gotten 12 votes and Mitt Romney four votes.

193 posted on 12/01/2014 5:01:42 AM PST by cripplecreek (You can't half ass conservatism.)
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To: cripplecreek

Senate Bill 275: Authorize drug testing of welfare applicants
The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on December 2, 2014, to require legislators to take drug tests.

Senate Bill 275: Authorize drug testing of welfare applicants
The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on December 2, 2014, to tie-bar the bill to House Bills 4610, meaning this bill cannot become law unless that one does also. HB 4610 would require drug testing for business executives whose firms receive subsidies from the state.

Senate Bill 275: Authorize drug testing of welfare applicants
Passed 75 to 34 in the House on December 3, 2014, to require that welfare benefit recipients or applicants who test positive on the drug tests authorized by House Bill 4118 must be referred to a state-authorized regional substance abuse agency, and cut benefits if the individual refused to enter a drug treatment program. This would begin as a one-year pilot program in three counties.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 520: Revise details of child support order procedures
Passed 106 to 3 in the House on December 3, 2014, to revise notification details of alimony or child support orders, and of restitution orders imposed on individuals who are delinquent in these payments.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 521: Streamline delinquent child support, parenting time enforcement
Passed 100 to 9 in the House on December 3, 2014, to essentially streamline procedures and the issuance and enforcement of subpoenas, bench warrants and contempt of court rulings in divorce-related parenting time orders and child support delinquencies.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 522: Repeal child support “service fee”
Passed 109 to 0 in the House on December 3, 2014, to repeal a $2 monthly fee imposed on court-ordered child support payers.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 526: Revise child support recipient detail
Passed 109 to 0 in the House on December 3, 2014, to establish that court-ordered child support payments should go to the person who is actually caring for the children, not necessarily the person who is “legally responsible” for this.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 529: Revise child support guidelines detail
Passed 109 to 0 in the House on December 3, 2014, to establish that a state “Office of Child Support” has the duty to “develop and implement guidelines for the allocation and distribution of all child support payments”.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 530: Revise and update Friend of the Court procedures and powers
Passed 109 to 0 in the House on December 3, 2014, to revise and update various details related to the powers, procedures and duties of Friend of the Court offices. For details see this Senate Fiscal Agency summary.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 664: Revise “debt management services” regulations
Passed 103 to 6 in the House on December 2, 2014, to revise and update various definitions and prescribed procedures in a law that imposes licensure and regulations on “debt management services.” Among other things the bill would increase the maximum fee the state allows these businesses to charge customers.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 712: Extend remonumentation of Michigan-Indiana state line authorization
Passed 108 to 1 in the House on December 3, 2014, to extend until 2018 a current 2015 sunset on a 2010 law that authorized the remonumentation of the Michigan-Indiana state line.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 880: Require psychologist licensure degree program details
Passed 109 to 0 in the House on December 2, 2014, to revise details of the criteria for the doctoral degree programs required for licensure as a psychologist.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 951: Expand state oversight of public school overspending
Passed 24 to 14 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to expand the scope of a law that prescribes processes and requirements for correcting local government deficit spending, so that it also applies to public school districts. Districts that fail to follow the steps required under a deficit elimination plan could have 10 percent of their state funding withheld until they comply.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 952: Establish new local and school budget process requirements
Passed 24 to 14 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to prescribe procedures, notification and budget-cutting requirements, and monitoring for a public school district that experiences a gap between projected revenue and actual spending (a deficit), or is in the midst of “rapidly declining financial circumstances,” including substantial declines in enrollment. The bill tasks the state Department of Education with specific duties in such situations, which could include authority over academic matters in addition to financial ones. The Department could also withhold funding from a district that fails to take the steps necessary to eliminate a deficit. This is part of package comprised of Senate Bills 949 to 957.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 953: Expand state oversight of public school overspending
Passed 23 to 15 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to authorize appointment by the governor of an Emergency Manager for a public school district that fails to comply with an “enhanced deficit elimination plan” required by Senate Bill 952 for a district whose first plan failed to fix the problem, or is in “rapidly declining financial circumstances”.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 954: Expand state oversight of public school overspending
Passed 24 to 14 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to give the Department Treasury the authority to withhold state school aid payments “to incentivize” an overspending school district that fails to submit an acceptable “deficit elimination plan” as required by Senate Bill 952, or which falls more deeply into financial trouble and must operate under an “enhanced” deficit plan.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 955: Increase school “emergency loan” funding
Passed 37 to 1 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to increase from $50 million to $100 million the amount allocated through 2018 for “financial emergency” loans from a state loan board to public school districts. Also, to increase from $35 million to $85 million the amount of such loans to cities, townships, villages, and counties. Finally, the bill would eliminate restrictions on this loan board’s ability to restructure repayments on existing emergency municipal loans.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 957: Expand state oversight of public school overspending
Passed 22 to 16 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to establish a process whereby a public school district experiencing “conditions of fiscal stress, a deficit, or a potential financial emergency” can apply for “technical assistance” from the state including data analysis tools, so as to avoid further state intervention. The bill would also give the state Superintendent of Public Instruction or the state Treasurer the authority to require a public school district experiencing financial stress to submit periodic financial status reports as specified in the bill.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 978: Revise state loans to locals details
Passed 38 to 0 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to remove current limitations on the amount of “surplus” funds that can be loaned by the state to municipalities and school districts through 2008. See also Senate Bill 955, which increases related emergency loan caps.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1128: Require hepatitis tests on released prisoners
Passed 37 to 1 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to require Hepatitis C testing by the Department of Corrections before prisoners are released on parole or upon completion of their sentence. Positive test results would be reported to relevant agencies according to Department of Community Health rules.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1129: Mandate Hepatitis disclosure to sex partner
Passed 37 to 1 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to establish sentencing guidelines for the crime proposed by Senate Bill 1130 of a person with Hepatitis C having sex without disclosing this.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1130: Mandate Hepatitis disclosure to sex partner
Passed 28 to 10 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to make it a felony for an individual who knows he or she has Hepatitis C to have sex that includes “sexual penetration” without telling the sex partner about having the disease. This already applies to AIDS.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1136: Revise 36th district court pension underfunding surcharge
Passed 37 to 0 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to allow a bailiff of the 36th district court in Detroit to be removed from office for inability to perform essential functions of the office.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1137: Require Hepatitis C tests on new prisoners
Passed 38 to 0 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to require that prisoner entering a correctional facility must be tested for Hepatitis C.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1146: Rename a road to
Passed 38 to 0 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to designate Scott Lake Road in Oakland County as the “Officer James R. DeLoach and Officer Steven J. Niewiek Memorial Highway”.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1149: Authorize new state Senate office building
Passed 25 to 13 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to authorize the sale of the Farnum Senate office building in Lansing and construction of a new building for Senators’ offices. The current budget makes $7 million available for this.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 1150: Reduce maximum truck weights
Failed 15 to 22 in the Senate on December 2, 2014, to reduce the maximum weight of trucks allowed on Michigan roads from 164,000 to 80,000 pounds. This would not necessarily reduce the maximum weight per axle, but would require more trucks trailers to carry the same amount as currently on Michigan highways.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4038: Add “bush autumn olive” to banned species list
Passed 38 to 0 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to add the “bush autumn olive” (elaeagnus umbellata), the giant hogweed (heracleum mantegazzianum), and the Japanese knotweed (fallopian japonica) to the law banning the possession or release of certain non-native species.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4118: Require drug testing of welfare applicants
Passed 74 to 35 in the House on December 3, 2014, to require a one-year pilot program in at least three counties that would require drug testing of state welfare benefit recipients and applicants if an “empirical screening tool” indicates a reasonable suspicion of drug use. Benefits would be halted for six months if a person tests positive or refuses to take the test, with an exception for medical marijuana. If a welfare recipient who is a parent tests positive, the child would still be eligible for assistance, and a “protective payee” would be designated to receive the parent’s welfare money. The bill appropriates $500,000 for the pilot program.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4206: Revise criminal defendant “youthful trainee status”
Passed 97 to 12 in the House on December 3, 2014, to increase from 21 to 23 the age limit on “youthful trainee status” for criminal defendants, which provides a mechanism for not including the offense on the youth’s permanent record. The bill would also establish various conditions for this status, including a full time school, work or community service requirement and more. This status allows a youthful offender who pleads guilty to criminal offenses other than serious felonies to serve a sentence and then have the proceedings dismissed without having a criminal conviction record, and with no civil disability or loss of right or privilege.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5179: Transfer western Wayne correctional
Passed 106 to 3 in the House on December 3, 2014, to land bank to transfer the former western Wayne correctional facility property to a government “land bank” authority, which in turn would be required to sell it in a manner and on terms that the authority “in its discretion” calculates will “realize the greatest benefit to this state”.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5216: Authorize government “certificate of employability” for ex-cons
Passed 37 to 0 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to authorize the Department of Corrections to issue a “certificate of employability” to prisoners being released who have behaved well in prison and successfully completed a career and technical education course.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5217: Authorize government “certificate of employability” for ex-cons
Passed 27 to 11 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to limit the liability of employers in personal injury, property damage and wrongful death lawsuits arising from the actions of an employee who is an ex-convict hired after the individual was granted a “certificate of employability” by the state Department of Corrections, as proposed by House Bill 5216.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5218: Authorize goverrnment “certificate of employability” for ex-cons
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on December 3, 2014, to revise details of the “good moral character” prerequisite in occupational licensure mandates to conform with the ex-convict “certificate of employability” proposed by House Bill 5216. Specifically, the bill would allow but not require licensure boards to consider criminal prosecutions or lawsuit judgments as evidence of an individual not having “good moral character,” but require that they take notice of whether an ex-convict was granted the state “certificate of employability” proposed by House Bill 5216.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5582: Restrict criminal sanctions for youth
Passed 100 to 9 in the House on December 3, 2014, to no longer include sending a youth aged 17 to 20 to prison for at least three years among the choices a court must exercise for a youth charged with an offense punishable by more than one year in prison.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5585: Revise criminal defendant “youthful trainee status”
Passed 103 to 6 in the House on December 3, 2014, to require that if a criminal defendant assigned to “youthful trainee status” (which provides a mechanism for not including an offense on the youth’s permanent record) is convicted with a serious felony listed in the bill, the “trainee” status must be revoked (which means the previous crime also goes on the person’s record).
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 6074: Exempt college athletes from unionization
Introduced by Rep. Al Pscholka (R) on December 2, 2014, to establish that college students who participate in intercollegiate athletics on behalf of a state university are not considered “public employees” subject to unionization under the law that mandates schools and local governments must engage in collective bargaining with government employee unions.

194 posted on 12/05/2014 3:15:38 AM PST by cripplecreek (You can't half ass conservatism.)
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