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To: cripplecreek

Senate Bill 812: Revise Medicaid money allocation detail
Introduced by Sen. Roger Kahn (R) on February 25, 2014, to establish in statute the percentage the state will keep from certain federal Medicaid money disbursed to certain “public entities”.

Senate Bill 813: Increase some State Police pensions
Introduced by Sen. Tom Casperson (R) on February 25, 2014, to increase the monthly pension payment to certain retired State Police employees by $300.

Senate Bill 814: Exempt unemployment benefits from income tax
Introduced by Sen. Jim Ananich (D) on February 25, 2014, to exempt state and federal unemployment benefits from the state income tax.

Senate Bill 815: Mandate donor disclosure for certain political “issue ad” organizations
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on February 25, 2014, to extend state campaign finance mandates to “527 organizations,” which are entities that do not “expressly advocate” for the election or defeat of candidates or initiatives. The bill would require these entities make public the names of their donors if a director, officer, or board member is employed by or “serves as an agent” to a candidate for office.

Senate Bill 816: Authorize “Choose Life” license plate
Introduced by Sen. Patrick Colbeck (R) on February 25, 2014, to require the Secretary of State to develop a “Choose Life” license plate, with fees collected from its sale spent on projects that promote alternatives to abortion.

Senate Bill 817: Move back teacher rating process deadlines
Introduced by Sen. John Pappageorge (R) on February 25, 2014, to move back by two years the deadlines imposed by a 2011 law establishing a process for determining whether teachers are “effective” or not, and basing school employment decisions on these ratings.

Senate Bill 818: Limits some auto injury reimbursements; expand theft authority
Introduced by Sen. John Pappageorge (R) on February 25, 2014, to establish limits on the reimbursements paid for long term “attendant care” provided under the no fault insurance law’s mandatory unlimited coverage (which above $530,000 is paid by the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association). Also, to expand the duties of a state automobile theft prevention authority to include insurance fraud, overhaul its structure, and authorize $21 million in assessments (taxes) on insurers to pay for this.

Senate Bill 819: Require utilities provide customer “smart meter” opt-out
Introduced by Sen. Jim Marleau (R) on February 25, 2014, to require electric utilities that adopt advanced “smart meters” to allow customers to “opt out” without penalty; and impose restrictions on how utilities could collect, use and retain information collected from the meters.

Senate Bill 820: Revise CON health facility rationing board
Introduced by Sen. Joe Hune (R) on February 25, 2014, detail to require that an individual representing “nonprofit mutual disability” insurance companies be on the board of the state “Certificate of Need” rationing commission, which requires health care providers to seek government permission to open or expand a facility or add certain capital-intensive equipment (like MRIs).

Senate Bill 821: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. Jack Brandenburg (R) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of the device called the “metropolitan authority” that was created by a 2012 legislative package enacted to distribute some state use tax revenue to local governments, as a replacement for revenue they lose due to reductions in the “personal property tax.” This is a property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill is part of a package comprised of Senate Bills 821 to 830, which essentially replace all of the foregone local government revenue from that 2012 personal property tax cut package, instead of replacing most of it. For any of this to happen voters must approve related changes to the state “use tax” in an August, 2014 ballot initiative; this legislative package was negotiated to forestall local government opposition to that measure.

Senate Bill 822: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. Dave Hildenbrand (R) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of earmarks of state use tax revenue authorized by a 2012 legislative package enacted to distribute some revenue from this tax to local governments, as a replacement for revenue they lose due to reductions in the “personal property tax,” which is a property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill is part of a package comprised of Senate Bills 821 to 830, which essentially replace all of the foregone local government revenue from that 2012 personal property tax cut package, instead of replacing most of it. For any of this to happen voters must approve related changes to the state “use tax” in an August, 2014 ballot initiative; this legislative package was negotiated to forestall local government opposition to that measure.

Senate Bill 823: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. John Proos, IV (R) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for manufacturing facilities, which was the device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment, and replace the foregone local government revenue with money from the state “use tax.” For any of this to happen voters must approve related changes to the use tax in an August, 2014 ballot initiative; the legislative package comprised of Senate Bills 821 to 830 was negotiated to forestall local government opposition to that measure.

Senate Bill 824: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. John Pappageorge (R) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of state authorities created by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut the “personal property tax” imposed on business tools and equipment, and replace the foregone local government revenue with state use tax revenue. See Senate Bill 822.

Senate Bill 825: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. David Robertson (R) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of the August 2014 ballot initiative authorized by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut the “personal property tax” imposed on business tools and equipment, and replace the foregone local government revenue with state use tax revenue. See Senate Bill 822.

Senate Bill 826: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. Mark Jansen (R) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for manufacturing facilities, which was a device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. See Senate Bill 822.

Senate Bill 827: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. Steve Bieda (D) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for manufacturing facilities, which was a device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. See Senate Bill 822.

Senate Bill 828: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. Jim Ananich (D) on February 25, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for smaller commercial businesses, which was a device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. See Senate Bill 822.

Senate Bill 829: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. Rebekah Warren (D) on February 25, 2014, to replace a local “essential services special assessment” (tax) with a state version. This tax was authorized by a 2012 legislative package, and is intended to partially replace the local government revenue lost by cuts that new law made to the “personal property tax,” which is imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill would also authorize the state agency in charge of selective business tax breaks and subsidies (the “Michigan Strategic Fund”) to grant exemptions to firms that meet conditions specified in the bill. See Senate Bill 822.

Senate Bill 830: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Introduced by Sen. Mike Nofs (R) on February 25, 2014, to replace a local “essential services special assessment” (tax) with a state version. This tax was authorized by a 2012 legislative package, and is intended to partially replace the local government revenue lost by cuts that new law made to the “personal property tax,” which is imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill would also authorize the state agency in charge of selective business tax breaks and subsidies (the “Michigan Strategic Fund”) to grant exemptions to firms that meet conditions specified in the bill. See Senate Bill 822.

Senate Bill 831: Allow homestead property tax exemption for inherited residence
Introduced by Sen. Mike Nofs (R) on February 26, 2014, to allow an individual who has inherited a dwelling that was the decedent’s principle residence, and who also has an principle residence property tax exemption on his or her current home, to claim the Proposal A principle residence (homestead) tax exemption on both properties for up to three years, or until the inherited residence is sold or leased.

Senate Bill 832: Repeal county “ag advantage” ad authorization
Introduced by Sen. Roger Kahn (R) on February 27, 2014, to repeal a law that allows counties to levy a special tax or appropriate general tax revenue to advertise the county’s “agricultural advantages”.

Senate Bill 833: Make government firearms ownership databases non-public information
Introduced by Sen. Goeff Hansen (R) on February 27, 2014, to establish sentencing guidelines for the proposal in House Bill 5327 to authorize penalties for improper disclosure of information from the state firearms owner databases that would be made non-public information by House Bills 5324 to 5326, and Senate Bill 834.

Senate Bill 834: Make government firearms ownership databases non-public information
Introduced by Sen. Phil Pavlov (R) on February 27, 2014, to establish that state databases containing information on licenses issued to individuals to purchase, carry, possess, or transport pistols are confidential and not subject to disclosure under the state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Senate Bill 835: Authorize charitable contribution income tax credits
Introduced by Sen. Patrick Colbeck (R) on February 27, 2014, to authorize state income tax credits for charitable contributions to public art, public radio, colleges, universities, and museums.

Senate Bill 836: Authorize charitable contribution income tax credits
Introduced by Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker (R) on February 27, 2014, to authorize state income tax credit for charitable donations to food banks, shelters, and community foundations.

Senate Bill 837: “Omnibus” state budget (non-education portion)
Introduced by Sen. Roger Kahn (R) on February 27, 2014, to appropriate $36.452 billion in non-education state spending in the fiscal year that begins on Oct. 1, 2014, compared to $34.392 billion enacted the previous year. (Both figures are the overall “gross” spending amount generally cited in news reports; the new proposal nets-out to $35.622 billion “adjusted gross” when inter-department transfers are accounted for.) Some $19.100 billion of this will come from federal government. The total executive budget recommendation including education is $52.425 billion gross, of which $21.006 is federal money.

Senate Bill 838: “Omnibus” state education budget
Introduced by Sen. Roger Kahn (R) on February 27, 2014, to appropriate $15.881 billion for K-12 school aid, higher education and community colleges during the fiscal year that begins on Oct. 1, 2014. Of this, $13.826 billion would go for K-12 public schools; $1.512 billion for state universities, and $371 million for community colleges.

House Bill 4089: Authorize a memorial bridge designation
Passed 36 to 0 in the Senate on February 27, 2014, to designate a certain bridge in Jackson county as the “Officer James Bonneau Memorial Bridge”.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4168: Repeal mandate for sheriffs to kill unlicensed dogs
Passed 36 to 0 in the Senate on February 27, 2014, to repeal a 1919 law that requires county sheriffs to locate and kill all unlicensed dogs, and which defines failure to do so as nonfeasance in office.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 4855: Expand lottery winner government debt garnishment
Passed 107 to 1 in the House on February 27, 2014, to revise a law that requires the state lottery bureau to deduct any unemployment benefit overpayments, child support arrearages or debts to the state from the winnings of a person who wins $1,000 or more. The bill would also require any debt or liability to the state welfare bureau to be deducted.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5039: Expand mandatory child death investigations
Passed 108 to 0 in the House on February 27, 2014, to expand the duties of the state “children’s ombudsman” to include investigating all deaths of a child if there was an active or recent child protective services investigation or complaint, or the child was in foster care (with some exceptions). This office would also be required to report any immediate safety concerns regarding a child in an active or open protective services or foster care case to the appropriate state agency.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5108: Repeal ban on ticket scalping
Passed 66 to 42 in the House on February 27, 2014, to repeal a state law that bans ticket “scalping” at sports and entertainment events, or selling tickets at a higher price through some service or agency.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5343: Revise termination of parental rights detail
Introduced by Rep. Nancy Jenkins (R) on February 20, 2014, to clarify a detail related to the law that declares the termination of an individual’s parental rights does not end his duty to provide court-ordered child support.

House Bill 5344: Elect U.S. presidents by a national popular vote
Introduced by Rep. Matt Lori (R) on February 20, 2014, to enter into an interstate compact to elect U.S. presidents by a national popular vote.

House Bill 5345: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. Matt Lori (R) on February 20, 2014, to remove the term “mentally retarded” in the law setting standards for defendant-competence in certain criminal trials, and replace it with the term “intellectually disabled.” This is part of a multi-bill package making a similar change to various statutes.

House Bill 5346: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. Phil Cavanagh (D) on February 20, 2014, to replace the term “mentally retarded” in the statute regulating child care organizations with the term “developmental disability.” This is part of a multi-bill package making the same change to various statutes.

House Bill 5347: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. Gail Haines (R) on February 20, 2014, to replace the term “mentally retarded” in a section of the Public Health Code with the term “developmental disability.” This is part of a multi-bill package making the same change to various statutes.

House Bill 5348: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. Tom Leonard (R) on February 20, 2014, to replace the term “mentally retarded” in the state Insurance Code with the term “developmental disability.” This is part of a multi-bill package making the same change to various statutes.

House Bill 5349: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. Kevin Cotter (R) on February 20, 2014, to replace the term “mentally retarded” in a section of the Revised Judicature Act with the term “developmental disability.” This is part of a multi-bill package making the same change to various statutes.

House Bill 5350: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. Tom Cochran (D) on February 20, 2014, to replace the term “mentally retarded” in a statute regulating surrogate parenting with the term “developmental disability.” This is part of a multi-bill package making the same change to various statutes.

House Bill 5351: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. David Knezek (D) on February 20, 2014, to replace the term “mentally retarded” in a law related to intermediate school district jurisdiction with the term “developmental disability.” This is part of a multi-bill package making the same change to various statutes.

House Bill 5352: Remove “mentally retarded” references from statute
Introduced by Rep. Patrick Somerville (R) on February 20, 2014, to replace the term “mentally retarded” in the school employee pension law with the term “developmental disability.” This is part of a multi-bill package making the same change to various statutes.

House Bill 5353: Revise prepaid burial contract detail
Introduced by Rep. Marcia Hovey-Wright (D) on February 25, 2014, to require prepaid burial contracts to specify any additional costs that might be required for a base, foundation, or other preparation to accommodate a government-funded gravestone or marker for the grave of a veteran.

House Bill 5354: Exempt unemployment benefits from income tax
Introduced by Rep. Brandon Dillon (D) on February 25, 2014, to exempt state and federal unemployment benefits from the state income tax.

House Bill 5355: Revise CPL “gun free zone” for personal protection orders
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R) on February 25, 2014, to authorize concealed pistol license boards to waive the “gun free zone” restrictions on a licensee who has been granted a personal protection order.

House Bill 5356: Revise physical therapist scope-of-practice
Introduced by Rep. Margaret O’Brien (R) on February 25, 2014, to repeal a ban on licensed physical therapists providing therapy unless it has been prescribed by a physician.

House Bill 5357: Revise physical therapist scope-of-practice
Introduced by Rep. Amanda Price (R) on February 25, 2014, to allow health insurance companies to not reimburse services provided by a licensed physical therapist unless the service has been prescribed by a physician. House Bill 5356 would repeal a prohibition on physical therapists providing service that has not been prescribed, while House Bills 5357 to 5360 would establish that insurers can still require prescriptions if they choose. The same proposal is contained in Senate Bills 690 to 694.

House Bill 5358: Revise physical therapist scope-of-practice
Introduced by Rep. Mike Shirkey (R) on February 25, 2014, to allow workers compensation insurance plans to not reimburse services provided by a licensed physical therapist unless the service has been prescribed by a physician. House Bill 5356 would repeal a prohibition on physical therapists providing service that has not been prescribed, while House Bills 5357 to 5360 would establish that insurers can still require prescriptions if they choose. The same proposal is contained in Senate Bills 690 to 694.

House Bill 5359: Revise physical therapist scope-of-practice
Introduced by Rep. Rose Mary Robinson (D) on February 25, 2014, to allow “prudent purchaser” type health care coverage plans to not reimburse services provided by a licensed physical therapist unless the service has been prescribed by a physician. House Bill 5356 would repeal a prohibition on physical therapists providing service that has not been prescribed, while House Bills 5357 to 5360 would establish that insurers can still require prescriptions if they choose. The same proposal is contained in Senate Bills 690 to 694.

House Bill 5360: Revise physical therapist scope-of-practice
Introduced by Rep. Ken Yonker (R) on February 25, 2014, to allow Blue Cross Blue Shield to not reimburse services provided by a licensed physical therapist unless the service has been prescribed by a physician. House Bill 5356 would repeal a prohibition on physical therapists providing service that has not been prescribed, while House Bills 5357 to 5360 would establish that insurers can still require prescriptions if they choose. The same proposal is contained in Senate Bills 690 to.

House Bill 5361: Allow disabled to hunt from “personal assistive mobility device”
Introduced by Rep. Charles Smiley (D) on February 25, 2014, to allow a disabled individual to hunt small game from an electric “personal assistive mobility device,” subject to conditions and restrictions specified in the bill.

House Bill 5362: Give more money to fiscally failed school district successors
Introduced by Rep. Stacy Erwin Oakes (D) on February 25, 2014, to appropriate $3 million each to the Intermediate School Districts containing the regular districts to which students were transferred from the fiscally failed Buena Vista and Inkster school districts. These two districts were dissolved under procedures authorized by a 2013 law.

House Bill 5363: Expand meth-related pseudoephedrine restrictions
Introduced by Rep. Amanda Price (R) on February 26, 2014, to prohibit purchasing or possessing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine that is intended to be used to manufacture methamphetamines, subject to up to 20 years in prison.

House Bill 5364: Expand meth-related pseudoephedrine restrictions
Introduced by Rep. Amanda Price (R) on February 26, 2014, to establish sentencing guidelines for the proposal in House Bill 5363 to prohibit purchasing or possessing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine that is intended to be used to manufacture methamphetamines.

House Bill 5365: Impose new regulations on “petroleum coke”
Introduced by Rep. Kurt Heise (R) on February 26, 2014, to impose new regulations and a permit mandate on the storage and transport of “petroleum coke” (“pet coke”). This is related to a Marathon Oil refinery expansion in Detroit.

House Bill 5366: Address “digital property” of deceased or incompetent individuals
Introduced by Rep. Andrea LaFontaine (R) on February 26, 2014, to enable the court-appointed “conservator” of an individual who is no longer legally competent to exercise control and rights related to the person’s “digital property,” which could include social media accounts (like Facebook) and much more. The bill is part of a package comprised of House Bills 5366 to 5370 amending various statutes to address what happens when a person dies or becomes legally incompetent to his or her social media accounts, online “transactional service” accounts, online forms and applications, online terms-of-service agreements, and other forms of “digital property.” The bills would afford the person’s representative access and authority to use usernames, passwords, etc.

House Bill 5367: Address “digital property” of deceased or incompetent individuals
Introduced by Rep. Dan Lauwers (R) on February 26, 2014, to enable the personal representative of a deceased person to exercise control and rights related to the person’s “digital property,” which could include social media accounts (like Facebook) and much more. to address what happens when a person dies or becomes legally incompetent to his or her social media accounts, online “transactional service” accounts, online forms and applications, online terms-of-service agreements, and other forms of “digital property.” The bills would afford the person’s representative access and authority to use usernames, passwords, etc.

House Bill 5368: Address “digital property” of deceased or incompetent individuals
Introduced by Rep. Kevin Cotter (R) on February 26, 2014, to revise details of the state probate law related to the “digital property” of a person has died or become legally incompetent, including social media accounts, online “transactional service” accounts, online forms and applications, online terms-of-service agreements, etc. The bill is part of a package comprised of House Bills 5366 to 5370 that would afford a person’s representative access and authority to use usernames, passwords, etc.

House Bill 5369: Address “digital property” of deceased or incompetent individuals
Introduced by Rep. Tom Leonard (R) on February 26, 2014, to revise details of the “power of attorney” provisions in the state probate law related to the “digital property” of a person has died or become legally incompetent, including social media accounts, online “transactional service” accounts, online forms and applications, online terms-of-service agreements, etc. The bill is part of a package comprised of House Bills 5366 to 5370 that would afford a person’s representative access and authority to use usernames, passwords, etc.

House Bill 5370: Address “digital property” of deceased or incompetent individuals
Introduced by Rep. Nancy Jenkins (R) on February 26, 2014, to revise details of the “trusts” portion of the state probate law related to the “digital property” of a person has died or become legally incompetent, including social media accounts, online “transactional service” accounts, online forms and applications, online terms-of-service agreements, etc. The bill is part of a package comprised of House Bills 5366 to 5370 that would afford the person’s representative access and authority to use usernames, passwords, etc.

House Bill 5371: Expand “promise zone” tax increment financing authorities
Introduced by Rep. Woodrow Stanley (D) on February 26, 2014, to expand from 10 to 15 the number of “promise zone” tax increment financing authorities (TIFA) located in low income and “low educational attainment” areas. These entities were authorized by a 2008 law to “capture” a portion of any increases in the state portion of school property tax revenue in the area, and use the money to partially subsidize college tuition for local students.

House Bill 5372: “Omnibus” state education budget
Introduced by Rep. Joseph Haveman (R) on February 27, 2014, to appropriate $15.881 billion for K-12 school aid, higher education and community colleges during the fiscal year that begins on Oct. 1, 2014. Of this, $ $13.826 billion would go for K-12 public schools; $1.512 billion for state universities, and $371 million for community colleges.

House Bill 5373: “Omnibus” state budget (non-education portion)
Introduced by Rep. Joseph Haveman (R) on February 27, 2014, to appropriate $36.452 billion in non-education state spending in the fiscal year that begins on Oct. 1, 2014, compared to $34.392 billion enacted the previous year. (Both figures are the overall “gross” spending amount generally cited in news reports; the new proposal nets-out to $35.622 billion “adjusted gross” when inter-department transfers are accounted for.) Some $19.100 billion of this will come from federal government. The total executive budget recommendation including education is $52.425 billion gross, of which $21.006 is federal money.

129 posted on 03/05/2014 4:40:42 AM PST by cripplecreek (REMEMBER THE RIVER RAISIN!)
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To: cripplecreek

Senate Bill 608: Authorize additional state spending, projects, debt, and Medicaid expansion fund source shifts
Passed 65 to 44 in the House on March 4, 2014, to adjust spending in the current year budget to reflect fund source changes triggered by adoption of the Obamacare Medicaid expansion starting in April. The bill also appropriates $215 million in additional spending on roads (including $100 million for extra winter maintenance costs), plus money for Amtrak-related rail improvements, government preschool programs, low income heating bill subsidies, veterans programs, marina projects, and much more. The House removed a Senate-passed $5.5 million appropriation involving purchase of the Steelcase “Pyramid” building for a loosely defined, education-related “public/private partnership,” along with other spending including extra money for “land banks.” The bill would also authorize $60.3 million in new debt for state college and university construction projects. For more details see a summary prepared by the House Fiscal Agency.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 783: Ban medical marijuana use on property open to the public
Passed 31 to 7 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to prohibit the possession or use of medical marijuana on any portion of private property that is open to the public, or where it is banned by the property owner. The bill would also permit a landlord to refuse to rent a residence to someone who uses medical marijuana on the property. Because the bill amends an initiated law adopted by the people, it requires a three-fourths supermajority vote in the Senate and House.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 821: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
The amendment failed 12 to 26 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to “tie bar” the bill to Senate Bill 658, which would impose sales tax on many catalog or internet purchases made from sellers outside the state, by placing in statute a broad definition of “nexus,” or affiliation with a different business located in Michigan, in the manner pioneered by internet retailer
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 821: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of a mechanism created by a 2012 legislative package enacted to distribute some state use tax revenue to local governments, to replace revenue they lose due to reductions in the “personal property tax.” This is a property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill is part of a package comprised of Senate Bills 821 to 830, which essentially replace all of the foregone local personal property tax revenue from that 2012 tax cut, rather than most of it. For any of this to happen voters must approve related changes to the state “use tax” in an August, 2014 ballot initiative; this legislative package was negotiated to forestall local government opposition to that measure.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 822: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of earmarks of state use tax revenue authorized by a 2012 legislative package enacted to distribute some revenue from this tax to local governments, as a replacement for revenue they lose due to reductions in the “personal property tax,” which is a property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill is part of a package comprised of Senate Bills 821 to 830, which essentially replace all of the foregone local government revenue from that 2012 personal property tax cut package, instead of replacing most of it. For any of this to happen voters must approve related changes to the state “use tax” in an August, 2014 ballot initiative; this legislative package was negotiated to forestall local government opposition to that measure.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 823: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for manufacturing facilities, which was the device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment, and replace the foregone local government revenue with money from the state “use tax.” For any of this to happen voters must approve related changes to the use tax in an August, 2014 ballot initiative; the legislative package comprised of Senate Bills 821 to 830 was negotiated to forestall local government opposition to that measure.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 824: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of state authorities created by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut the “personal property tax” imposed on business tools and equipment, and replace the foregone local government revenue with state use tax revenue. See Senate Bill 822.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 825: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of the August 2014 ballot initiative authorized by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut the “personal property tax” imposed on business tools and equipment, and replace the foregone local government revenue with state use tax revenue. See Senate Bill 822.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 826: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for manufacturing facilities, which was a device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. See Senate Bill 822.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 827: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for manufacturing facilities, which was a device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. See Senate Bill 822.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 828: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to revise details of a “personal property tax” exemption for smaller commercial businesses, which was a device used by a 2012 legislative package enacted to cut this property tax imposed on business tools and equipment. See Senate Bill 822.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 829: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to replace a local “essential services special assessment” (tax) with a state version. This tax was authorized by a 2012 legislative package, and is intended to partially replace the local government revenue lost by cuts that new law made to the “personal property tax,” which is imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill would also authorize the state agency in charge of selective business tax breaks and subsidies (the “Michigan Strategic Fund”) to grant exemptions to firms that meet conditions specified in the bill. See Senate Bill 822.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

Senate Bill 830: Revise 2012 “personal property tax” reform law
Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on March 4, 2014, to replace a local “essential services special assessment” (tax) with a state version. This tax was authorized by a 2012 legislative package, and is intended to partially replace the local government revenue lost by cuts that new law made to the “personal property tax,” which is imposed on business tools and equipment. The bill would also authorize the state agency in charge of selective business tax breaks and subsidies (the “Michigan Strategic Fund”) to grant exemptions to firms that meet conditions specified in the bill. See also Senate Bills 821 and 822.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

House Bill 5160: Allow local governments to transfer tax functions to county
Passed 109 to 0 in the House on March 4, 2014, to allow cities, townships and villages to enter agreements with counties to administer functions related to property tax collections.
See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at

130 posted on 03/06/2014 4:26:47 AM PST by cripplecreek (REMEMBER THE RIVER RAISIN!)
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