So you take one statement of the USC out of context to make what point, that whatever law the federal government passes is de factor the law of the land?
You are overlooking the fact that that same USC specifically states what the federal government is allowed to do.
Forcing the states and forcing the individuals within those states to purchase something to remain “legal” is NOT in the USC. Forcing the states to pick up the bill for a federal program (Medicare) is NOT in the USC. In fact, providing insurance for medical purposes for the citizenry at large is nowhere in the USC.
In applying constitutional ideas to a legal or judicial matter, you first need to understand the limits of that constitution.
Every state in the union has the right, the constitutional right, to say no to this unconstitutional mandate from the federal government.
And, no, the fact that the Supreme Court said this was constitutional does not make it constitutional. It may give the executive branch the legal authority to enforce the law, but the court has been wrong many times before, and they wrong on this one.
Where you commented about “...forcing the states to pick up the bill for a federal program (Medicare)...” - that would be MediCAID.