Sorry, but Watts is very much a racist and will abandon anything he says he stands on to vote for someone just because of his color.. he proved that in 2008 when he gladly voted for Obama. He’s part of the GOP establishment and part of the problem, America does not need him in office. I would never trust anyone who would stoop to vote for Obama or any of the other dems. No thank you!!
I agree. That’s why I nominated my dog.
Oh but he’s black and he can pander to blacks, and if he demonises white conservtives enough they might even not give him the “Uncle Tom” treatment! Wait, which party committee does he want to be head of?
Exactly, just like Colin Powell was everyone’s hero and the great black hope only to turn true to form and support Obozo solely on the basis of race.
When will rank-and-file Republicans learn?