Many white South Africans have tried, only to be turned away or sent to the back of the line in favor of unskilled violent Somalis, Haitians known to be HIV/AIDs carriers, or border jumpers, ALL of whom immediately climb on to the gravy train pulled by fewer and fewer producers each year. Not only don’t the western white governments give a damn about the beleaguered white South Africans, they are afraid that giving them asylum will be a bad reflection upon the black ANC governance of South Africa, and would legitimise through recognition, the genocide being perpetrated upon the white South Africans. So people like the highly-skilled white South African, with their famous work ethic, are given the cold shoulder, while people whose only qualification is their “melanin enrichment”, have the red carpet rolled out for them, any possible “entitlement” showered upon them, while their part of the “bargain” is to “enrich” the US with their vibrant violence, exotic diseases, lack of skills, antagonism to assimilation and to whites, dirty cultural habits, and an ability to quickly learn their way through the maze of benefits and entitlements, though it’s beyond them to learn English.
Bottom line, western governments don’t want more whites in any significant numbers, even with their desirable skills, and don’t want to make the black rulers look bad by admitting that the whites are in need-desparate need-of asylum.
South African whites need to get out, by whatever means necessary, before it is too late.