However remember China is the big Asian country.
It makes a difference in the voting patterns, when there are 1.3 billion or so fellows, out there taking advantage of “trade” which really isn’t trade at all.
Further off, Indians are also quite liberal.
We need a new approach. The current approach is broken.
“Liberal” as in socially liberal or in ‘gubmint owes me because of my skin color’, economically liberal?
I’d hazard a guess that it’s more of the later being sold to them and their children in the schools or the pamphlets and documents upon immigration.
A new approach, whereby we re-take the public institutions and the cultural meme, will take generations. After all, it took progressivism 100 years to turn some members of my paternal family who are alive today from self-reliant, small government-minded descendants of two Revolutionary War officers into Obama-loving socialists (my cousins).