My grandson has severe autism. His mom is physically disabled. My husband and I care for our grandson nearly every evening for 2-4 hours, It is physically and emotionally exhausting but also very rewarding. He is the love of our lives.
I know my dear girl, I have been wiped out by the little guy, well not so little anymore, he can exhaust me completely.. LOL
Four years ago, I had an operation, and had to use those electric carts in the grocery store, and I let him ride on my lap while I drove.. That started something big between us, so the story goes, they know me well enough, with him, that they let me do it every Saturday morning to this day..
He is so much bigger now but they don’t mind as long as he doesn’t jump off and turn off all of the store lights, which he has done on more than one occasion.. LOL
It happens all the time. It is so prevalent here that a local news organization investigated and found lots of people encouraging their children in school to act up so they could get a supplement. The news media are the ones who came up with the name “Crazy checks”.
My Sister-in-law works for an agency that helps people get government assistance and she sees this all the time, normal kids and young adults used as excuses to get more money from the government.