Punishment doesn’t fit the crime in this case. Sure, the guy ought to be fined if he is disturbing the peace, but if he hasn’t hurt anyone when shooting his gun, then why should he be locked up for a long period, or have a felony charge against him? IMHO, there is such a thing as over-enforcement of the law.There is a fine line between punishing someone before they have hurt anybody, and violating their rights.And often, it’s conservatives who don’t see that.Giving a guy the same sentence for DWI that you would get for killing someone?
I live in rural Texas, and if someone wants to get drunk at thier home (outside the city limits) and walk around firing their weapon,they won’t get caught, because it isn’t against the law as long as no one else or their property is damaged.:)
So if a guy walks around downtown drunk firing a
Rifle repeatedly, has done this multiple times in the past, it’s okay as long as no oe gets hurt because he’s lucky and or a lousy shot.
I’m a an ER doc, okay for me to come to work plastered or high because I haven’t killed anyone ..... Yet?