As a former manufacturing engineer making components for Patriot missiles I would know that. I also know that the economies of scale in such high frequency components and rapid response actuators are not there yet. There is no way can they get that unit to be economical against $1,000 rockets. A laser is the only tool that will make such a war of attrition unwinnable for the Palis.
“There is no way can they get that unit to be economical against $1,000 rockets. A laser is the only tool that will make such a war of attrition unwinnable for the Palis.”
They don’t have to match $1,000 per shootdown, they only have to be able to shoot down rockets faster than they can be set up and fired off by the palis. That is not hard to do. Israel has given word that they’re about to sink the next Iranian warship that tries a delivery - so now the Palis have to try to build them from scratch, basically the sand in Gaza.
There’s more to economics than just a text book.