Spot on. Moonbats embrace their contradictions with glee. They have the philosophy of Love Humanity, Hate People. Their view pertains only to an over arching belief. They do not live their lives in like manner. They will try to cheat those of lower economic status in their personal dealings. They are very difficult people to deal with. As a contractor, I have found Moonbats are more likely to not pay for services rendered. They will lie through their teeth to beat you out of a few bucks. They will treat your workers like dogs, beneath them. They have nothing but contempt for those they supposively champion. Their view is purely cultural, and based on snobbery. They believe that their multiple degrees set them apart from the Bitter Clingers. Like the immature personalities that they are, they take an opposite political stance from those they do not want to be associated with. Its cultural pure and simple. In the economic realm, they will lie and cheat to maintain their wealth. No strategy is off limits. They do not care about higher taxes, because they are not going to pay them anyway. They will game the system. Their like minded in government will make sure of it.
My sister is a Socialist. I once asked her if she was going to participate in the Voluntary Human Extinction Program. She had no idea what I was talking about. Libs will only be satisfied when humans are gone. Only then will Mother Earth triumph.
That is just about the best description of a liberal I have ever seen. I've noticed these tendencies too. In day to day life, they are some of the nastiest, rudest, most selfish people you can meet. In arguments on the internet, they'll revert to the most disgusting kind of language imaginable... I remember that girl whose photo of her holding a Tea Party sign went viral. She was actually a liberal making FUN of the TP, but other liberals thought she was a real TP-er and she was apparently stunned by some of the things people said to her on the internet. Death by gang-rape seemed to be a favorite meme.
We have a liberal relative who owns his own business. He cheerfully described to us recently how he found this great accountant years ago who is "so creative" in hiding tons of income, and therefore his tax burden is a lot lower than most. He says it is "just remarkable" what that account can do with his shop's income.
He also pays all of his employees (there are 6 of them) as "contractors" which he proudly announced saves him the workers comp tax, FICA portion, etc. And, he's not worried about Obamacare. He says it will be a big bonus for him because his personal premiums will be going down next year.