Of course, the trick here is to get those “millions or tens of millions” coordinated. How many showed up to help the Weaver family? Which militia flanked the FBI at Waco?
So long as Joe Sixpack has to provide support for his wife and 2.3 children he’ll avoid pulling the whiskers of Leviathan. Only when Leviathan actively threatens HIS family will he (maybe) open the gun safes that hold his rifle and ammo (in seperate safes, naturally) and confront the threat. Let’s face it, we ARE a nation of cowards... right now.
Maybe though, in a few years, after a few more officially cleared shootings at wrong addresses Joe will realize that the police are not his friends anymore and he’ll simply go hunting. I doubt that I’ll see that day nor will many on this board. Instead, the screws will tighten so slowly that none of us will see the actual point at which we become the property of “The Ruling Class.” That tactic worked well in Germany and people aren’t much different now than then.
If you can't eat you won't fight long and they know it. If you are taken with smallpox, you won't fight long and they know it.
Preparation first, coordination second. In fact, the Biblical coordination system was via extended families, which is the real meaning of the Fifth Commandment.