Again, factoring in those who do not live in Palestine or Israel is foolish. But even if you did, your numbers aren't even close.
There are approximately 2.2 Billion muslims in the world.
According to 2010 estimates, there are approximately 810 million Jews.
That comes out to about 2.7 muslims to every Jew, which hardly gets even close to your overstated "hundreds to 1" comparison.
Again, that is all meaningless because the Israelis outnumber Palestinians 40-1, which means the loss to the Palestinians is far greater than the scant few suffered by the Israelis. That number is, in fact, for every 15 Palestinian terrorists dead there is only 1 Israeli.
2.2 billion moslums
maybe 22 million jews.
2 billion moslums hate jews.
The battle is not just between the Gaza Strip and Israel. It between Islam and Israel.