Agreed. This Christian has no problems with wishing folks happy holidays. I am reluctant myself to wish folks a Merry Christmas if I don’t know that they celebrate. Saying “Happy Holidays” is not anti-Christmas or anti-Christian. I do wish everybody in this country and the world did celebrate Christmas.
This reminds of a story about a man who opens a door to a building and stands aside to allow a lady to pass.
She looks at him and says, "You don't have to open the door for me because I'm a woman."
The man replies, "I don't open the door for you because you're a lady. I do it because I am a gentleman."
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Christian wishing anyone a Merry Christmas. It identifies you as a Christian and since we are commanded in Matthew 5:16 to let our light shine to glorify our Father in heaven, go ahead.
Let your light shine. Merry Christmas.