Gain by voter fraud only.
The post 2008 trend will continue (unless John Boehner remains Speaker).
Uh, I think you kind of got that backwards.
Start asking yourself how that could be if the numbers of black, hispanic and asian voters increased and made up for the loss of white Obama voters.
Actually, there are two ways to look at elections ~ (1) Actual numbers of voters, and (2) Percentages of voters.
Democrats declined on both counts ~ they lost voters, their percentage of the total vote is much less this time.
Republicans came in about the same but their percentage of the total vote increased substantially.
Remember, there are NOT equal numbers of Republican and Democrat voters, and not every Democrat who fails to vote for the Presidential candidate turns around and votes for the Republican candidate.
The article here is based on several false premises, knowingly, and therefore constitutes propaganda aimed at Republicans to dispirit them.
As the Baby Boomers pass into the Great Valley of the Peoples ~ which means they die, you will see an actual contraction in the number of voters. This time you saw a Race To The Bottom ~ and next time you'll see what amounts to a Political Crash as fewer and fewer voters show up and fewer and fewer new voters are registered.
That goes on for 18 years ~ with 12 years remaining. It'd happened earlier just folks missed it and imagined Republicans went over to vote for Obama because it was an historic occasion.
The Republican advantage is a lower abortion rate among white Republicans. The Democrat disadvantage is a far higher abortion rate among black, hispanic, and white Democrats.
In short, we are looking at the end of the Democrat party. That's why we need to hit the restart button on the Republican party and shed the losers!
The only way DEMS made gains was through voter fraud. Plain and simple. I just can’t believe that after 4 years of this horrible presidency that the American people are stupid enough to vote these cheaters in office. Oh wait - some are that stupid.
Seriously though - it was voter fraud all over the country. Why isn’t someone in high places stepping up to the plate - other than Allen West?
Voter fraud won this.