There's your direct connection to Petraeus ~ this guy was fully aware of what was going on at the CIA annex, if they were involved in gun running, and he might have DELAYED rescue ops on behalf of the Lebanese interests just to get that source of Syrian rebel , that is, Al Qaida, arms put to an end.
Petreaus girlfriend might have been working for THE OTHER SIDE ~ in which case her communications to Mrs. Kelley take on an ominous tone.
This thing could get worse before it gets better.
The Washington Post, in an article titled Jill Kelley: Tampa weoman in Petraeus case has been a hostess to the military, said: “A military officer who is a former member of Petraeuss staff said Kelley was a self-appointed go-between for Central Command officers with Lebanese and other Middle Eastern government officials.”
The “self-appointed” part raised my eyebrows...people with such huge money troubles might be vulnerable to foreign influences whether or not they intended to become spies.
Looks like we’re back to the old saw, “Follow the money.”