I’d doubt that all 30,000 emails were “inappropriate”.
Probably true. Now, why does a Tampa housewife, even one thats a “social liason” need to send the General over all NATO forces in Afghanistan 40 pages of email -every single day-, 7 days a week?
And i doubt it’s all read, but if she wasn’t getting a fair amount of correspondence back, she would have sought out a more receptive audience. How much time have these attention whores taken from the guys running things? It’s a small wonder that Afghanistan is a disaster and Beghazi got over-run.
The guys in charge don’t have their minds in the game.
She doesn't.
The FBI going on a fishing expedition is how this whole absurd story happened.
Until the latest round, involving General Allen and the Lebanese Florida hottie, I was half-way prepared to buy it.
But now it's clear they're just going after budget in the classic copper fashion. They F-ed up, and now they need to justify their existence. The best example is the absurd quotation of the street value of drugs as a reason to support law enforcement. It is a racket, pure and simple.
Any time you see absurd numbers like 30,000 emails in connection with a police investigation of a "social liason", you should suspect a bureaucratic power grab. The remedy is the budget meat cleaver.
The article doesn't actually identify the direction of the email.
**The guys in charge dont have their minds in the game.**
Yes, so much for “situational awareness” the military professes.