Clinton blazed that trail. If the CinC can get away with it “because he can”, then high-ranking generals will feel that they’re entitled too.
Clinton blazed that trail. If the CinC can get away with it because he can, then high-ranking generals will feel that theyre entitled too.
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If the xCIC and 4 stars can’t keep it in their pants, how do our ‘glorious leaders’ expect 18-19-20 yo’s with raging hormones to act like gentlemen?
Then go ahead and put some ‘in your face’ Fags in the mix, separate the boys from the girls and people like B Frank will feel like they have died and went to heaven - all that fresh meat out there... At least in my day, we could (unofficially of course) take the do funnies to the wood shed and try to straighten them out...
The idiots of today think ‘they’ can rein it in when they couldn’t back in the 50’s and 60’s when they were facing brig time just for ‘grabbing the wrong tool’, and after falling up a ladder and slipping in the shower the “Old Man” would give them a couple of weeks in the brig while they were being processed out.