To: WildHighlander57
I knew that Lebanese **** was bad news.This is exactly the sort of idiocy and ignorance that gives conservatives a really bad name. Did you know that there are a lot of Lebanese christians living in the US, and that before the ME blew up so many decades ago it was a beautiful country. Her mother is a cook. Do you know how good Lebanese food is. One thing that I will thank waves of immigration for is decent food and not the slop brought here by our English, Irish and German forbearers (good beer and whisky excepted and even that had to come from the host countries).
To: AndyJackson
Remember, Citizens...nobama hates you, hates your family, hates your freedom, hates your success, hates your integrity, hates Free America, hates Americans, hates the Constitution and hates the Bill of Rights. nobama is a hate crime foisted upon America. nobama is the Destroyer . Everything nobama does is intentional. God help us all. Do not let the curtains obscure your view.
151 posted on
11/13/2012 6:47:21 AM PST by
hal ogen
(First Amendment or Reeducation Camp?)
To: AndyJackson; fatasshick
“Lebanese **** ..... “ was a quote from fatasshick.
180 posted on
11/13/2012 7:55:27 AM PST by
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