The thing is - being SAS, he should have been able to get a PPW (Personal Protection Weapon) licence. They are very difficult to get in the UK (I actually have one for reasons I’m not allowed to discuss), but SAS have never found it difficult to get them, because of the risk they face from certain Irish terrorist groups. The fact he doesn’t seem to have had a PPW makes me wonder what else was going on here, that isn’t being discussed.
I'm probably preaching to the choir ... but there's something very wrong with that statement. So much of the way we talk ... a license for this, qualifying for that, being eligible for the other thing ... seems to come straight out of a bad dystopian novel. "1984" was a warning, not an instruction manual. Did we really win the Cold War?
And no, I'm not pointing fingers at Britain or the Commonwealth ... America is going down the same drain.