Yes. There is only one caveat with Glen: he is a devout Momron and will spin
anything remotely connected to the LDSinc in a good light for MomronISM. Other than that, he is dedicated to getting the truth out to the people of this nation. I'm sure the globalist will not let that go on much longer. He will either fall in line with what they want or he will be stopped, one way or the other.
One thing folks are failing to register is the reality that Mitt Romney can not afford to be a hardass on the vote fraud, because he cannot afford the neagtive press it would generate toward MormonISM/LDSinc. He was the ideal candidate for the democraps to cheat because he would not chance the negatives vermin media would flood the airwaves with regarding MormonISM if he failed to go along ...
Voter fraud is a great threat to the republic. We need to hammer this every chance we get. As long as there is reasonable evidence the integrity of the ballot is being maintained we will change governments peacefully. There is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that massive fraud was committed this election. If this is not corrected we will not be changing governments peacefully for long.