I agree with you and it would be nice if what Boehner said was code for doing just that: give King Hussein everything he wants and let it burn.
At this point, going off the fiscal cliff is the best thing that could happen to America.
Burn, baby, burn.
Who put this crybaby in charge?
It'll be fun watching the suck-ups at the New York Times spin the horror as our fault if we just let the dems do whatever the hell they want. Higher taxes? Fine. Sock it to the folks who create jobs. Go for it. More funds for lowlifes? Sure - bankrupt the country. They won the election the old fashion Chicago Way - they cheated...
Radio talk show host Bill Cunningham describes Boehner has his friend and speaks highly of him. That said, they are criminals. Boehner you are a traitor and suck. These bastards are going to just open the floodgates. Hey Boehner, I hope you get cancer and die you worthless puke.
Boehner is a jack ass.
He has waited for this moment to be the crying liberal house leader.
Boehner is a jack ass.
He has waited for this moment to be the crying liberal house leader.
I just finished a new email to my congressman to remind him that the GOP still holds a firm majority in the house and did quite well in many races across the nation.
I ended by saying that I sincerely hope that there is a serious move afoot to remove the current speaker and replace him with one who understands what the word “majority” means.
Boehner is a god example of untreated liberal senile dementia.
He is now a virtual dim-bulb-crat and should be treated with all the contempt it deserves.
Tired of repeating but Bonehead needs to go.
Allen West for Speaker.
To Boehner, working with Dems means caving competely.
How did this turkey get elected Speaker to begin with?
I guess it must have been his turn
He certainly wasn’t picked for his brilliance, his courage, his ability to get things done.
No one despises Nancy Pelosi more than I do, but damn what I wouldn’t give to have a Speaker for the Republicans wtih half of her Chutzpah.
Boehner is not a leader in any fashion.
He couldn’t lead a horny dog to a bitch in heat.
I agree. Every time we compromise with the Dems, we take it in the shorts, and compromise always ends up costing us more money. Boehner is a moron if he thinks that the election was a mandate to work with the Dems. Congressional Republicans are getting to be just like the Democrats: When something fails, keep doing it, over and over.
I called my Congressman's office yesterday. He's a Republican and just won reelection. I relayed all my concerns to the girl, and told her I was deadset against the House Republicans working with the Dems, and my reasons why. It won't make any difference in the end, but I felt better getting it off my chest.
We would have been better off with Pelosi. That way they own the entire mess.
Boner is useless.
You won the House handily, lost the senate by about 5 individuals. Lost the presidency by 300k total in the states that were even competitive; and those votes were either fraud or non contributors to society. You’ve got a virtual mandate by working Americans John. Don’t be a crybaby. Use the power and shove it up their collective assess.
Negotiating with forces of evil and darkness is like a foxtail in a dog’s ear...it only goes one way, toward oppression and tyranny. When have “negotiations” in the last 80 years ever resulted in a conservative victory?